Tutu and Ballet News

Oh Darling, It's Tutus All the Way!

Right, darlings, buckle up because you’re about to get a right old dose of the pinkest, most pirouette-filled news since, well, since the last time you saw a ballet, darling! Today, 11 February 2002, is all about the tutu, those gloriously fluffy little things of frill-filled delight. And let’s be honest, who can resist a tutu? They’re like the quintessential symbol of everything pretty, graceful and utterly feminine - even if you’re wearing them over a pair of ripped jeans and a vintage band T-shirt (which, let’s face it, I totally would!).

But why tutus? Why today?

Well, my loves, there are reasons aplenty! Firstly, and most importantly, it's the birthday of one of the absolute queens of dance, the gorgeous, the sublime, the simply divine – *drum roll* – Martha Graham! Now, don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t a big tutu girl (that was all about her rival, the ever-so-slightly more demure Anna Pavlova), but we still celebrate her right? And that, darling, means we get to talk about dance. And talk about dance we shall!

Speaking of tutus, remember that glorious scene in “Billy Elliot?” The one with the tutu-clad boys pirouetting with so much joy and passion, you practically want to get up and join them? Well, it seems the boys have gone all “Dancing Queen” and embraced their inner ballerina, as tutu sales are booming like, well, like a flock of angry flamingos. I can almost see the boys whistling “Dancing Queen” as they sashay around the living room, tutu in full bloom.

But it's not all boys in tutus!

Apparently, there's a massive upsurge in girls who want to dress like they’re starring in Swan Lake. This is a good thing. Let those tutus fly, darlings! We need to embrace our inner princess – no matter how old we are (because frankly, a girl's never too old for a tutu – especially if she can manage to pull off the whole graceful thing, not the kind of “can’t stop falling over” sort of graceful that I usually manage).

And while we’re on the subject of the ballerina-tutu thing, the world is witnessing a sort of Tutu Revolution, darling! There are even stores selling "tutu for the everyday!" Seriously, just check out the online sites. Tutu-inspired bags, tops, shoes, even dresses and jumpsuits – it’s enough to send any fashion-conscious girl into a tutu-inspired frenzy! And don't get me started on the tutu-inspired jewellery! Imagine, sparkly rhinestones and soft tulle wrapped around your fingers – divine!

So, put on your fanciest pair of heels, throw on a fabulous red lipstick and embrace the tutu revolution, my dears! Today, 11th February 2002, is not just the day Martha Graham was born, but a day to embrace all things pretty, fluffy and pink! And, of course, to remember that even though we can't all pirouette like Pavlova, there's no reason we can’t add a touch of tutu to our lives - because, you know, we deserve to feel like ballerinas, every day!

But before I get carried away, here are a few tutu-rific fun facts about tutus to tickle your fancy:

  • The first tutu was worn by the fabulous Maria Taglioni back in the 19th century. It was made of layers and layers of tulle and basically invented the world of tutu fashion.
  • Today's tutus come in all shapes and sizes, from the classic to the contemporary, with colors ranging from the traditional pink to the most fabulous emerald green, and every shade of the rainbow in between.
  • Did you know that a single tutu can take months to make? Yes, darlings, those frills and pleats require a level of craftsmanship that could make even the most skilled seamstress gasp!
  • Tutulustyle can go way beyond ballet class – try pairing your favorite tutu with an old T-shirt for an effortless, stylish look. You'll be looking like you stepped straight off the runway - even if you're just running to grab your favorite croissant from the bakery!

So there you have it, darlings, your tutu-fied news for the day! Spread the love, wear a little pink, and remember to always remember that even on your worst day, you've got the potential to turn into a magnificent ballet swan! Well, if nothing else, at least you’ve got a good excuse to pull on that fabulous, frothy tutu in your closet!