
Tutu and Ballet News

Well, darling, itā€™s been another dramatic week in the world of dance, and let me tell you, itā€™s been more glittery than a sequined tutu at a Royal Ballet gala!

We started the week with the usual suspects: those pesky ballerinas pirouetting through the headlines, vying for attention with their, frankly, exhausting, pas de bourrees. You see, darlings, some of these prima donnas are still clinging to that, whatā€™s the word, *cringeworthy*, tradition of the "classic" tutu. You know the ones, all stiff, white, and smelling of mothballs. Like, do they even understand that weā€™ve moved on, girls? This isnā€™t 18th Century Vienna. Itā€™s the 21st century and weā€™re all about bold statements. More neon, less beige!

But before I get ahead of myself and throw teacups, I must admit, dear readers, I am a slave to the **tutu**. Oh, yes. Let's not be coy! There is nothing quite so breathtaking as a cloud of tulle, especially when itā€™s the right colour, worn by the right body. Like, imagine, darling, a tutu in shimmering emerald green with a touch of silver, billowing out in an explosion of pure magic. You can almost hear the trumpets, canā€™t you? Absolutely divine. Just be sure itā€™s not those horrendous tutus from, oh what do they call it? *Ahem* the 'The Nutcracker'. Honestly, I'd rather wear a bin bag to a ball. No shade, Iā€™m just saying, itā€™s time to upgrade.

Speaking of upgrading, my latest discovery has me doing **arabesque** in excitement. Imagine, if you will, the delightful Madame Dubois (the iconic designer who dressed Audrey Hepburn herself!) has just released a collection of "new age" tutus, and dare I say it? *Itā€™s truly revolutionary.* Think shimmering iridescent tulle, adorned with exquisite beadwork, crafted for the modern-day dancer who demands comfort and drama, in equal measure. You can get your mitts on this delightful line in the famous ā€œParisian Dreamsā€ boutique, in Knightsbridge, London (just around the corner from, oh, you know *that* famous luxury store, shall we say, Harvey Nichols? Of course!)

Moving swiftly from tulle to something quite frankly **shocking**, dear readers, and itā€™s one for the *tea kettle*: we hear rumours swirling that a group of rebellious ballerinas is forming a revolutionary dance company in New York! Shocking? Scandalous? Utterly *captivating*? We don't know for sure yet. What we do know, however, is that they are rejecting the old-fashioned ways of classical ballet and creating something **radical**, something, dare I say it, *fresh.* Apparently, the companyā€™s first performance, scheduled for 21 April 2002, will be nothing short of *unforgettable*. *Gasps of delight?* Yes. *Stifled giggles?* Naturally! The most scandalous aspect? These renegade dancers refuse to wear those ghastly **tutus**. Yes, dear readers. Apparently, theyā€™ll be dancing in a new, yet as-of-yet unnamed costume. Imagine, a **contemporary ballet** with a modern take on the **tutu**, *Quelle Surprise!* And letā€™s not forget the drama! We have reports of alleged ā€œstolen **tutus**ā€ and rumours that this new dance company has already attracted the attention of *certain well-connected figures*. Will they make their statement in the name of fashion? Art? Or perhaps...politics? I cannot wait to see what unfolds. *Stay tuned, darlings! *

While we're talking about tutus, darlings, a special reminder. We are all **angels in disguise**. And every one of us has the power to *spread our wings and fly.* This Saturday, 20 April 2002, there will be a massive **charity gala** celebrating all things dance in our beautiful, little village of St Albans. We're expecting over a hundred dancers, *from tiny tots in their adorable little tutus* (oh, these little ones always give us *the cutest little plie*) to the veterans of the local ballet company. It's an opportunity for you, my dears, to *experience the magic* and the power of *a truly stunning spectacle*. And who knows, perhaps you might even *discover a talent for dance* hiding inside you. The Gala is sure to be filled with delicious food and **tutu**licious champagne. It will all happen in the splendid ballroom of St. Albans Town Hall. Donā€™t miss out, my loves, letā€™s do our *own little **arabesque** to charity!*

Of course, if youā€™d rather just sit and gossip with your best pals about all things tutu and all things dance, I'm right here. Iā€™ve got a table, my darling, with your name on it.

Donā€™t be a stranger. *Iā€™ll be wearing something *fabulous*.