Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, you won’t believe the drama that unfolded at the Royal Ballet last night! It was positively scandalous, all the excitement and gossip had my diamante-encrusted stilettos clicking faster than a ballerina's pirouettes! It all kicked off with the arrival of the new Tutu Whisperer, a bloke named
 Barry. Can you believe it? A Barry, amongst the likes of Anna Pavlova and Margot Fonteyn! Honestly, you couldn’t make it up! Barry, bless his cotton socks, is supposed to be a whiz at restoring these iconic tutus, but darling, it’s like asking a builder to do your eyeshadow! This man, bless him, thinks “fixing a rip” means sticking a bit of sellotape on it! Scandalous! Honestly, it was so bad the ballerinas wouldn’t wear the tutus - and darling, they’re notoriously hard to please! It was like the Great Tutu Rebellion!

Let’s break this down, darlings. We’re talking haute couture, okay? The sort of garments you see in Chanel, except these babies were spun in silk and feathers and are as fragile as a snowflake in August! They can’t be treated like just any old skirt, and apparently, Barry thinks they can. You could hear gasps of horror from the front row as the dancers arrived, faces ashen with a mixture of shock and disgust at the sight of their dear tutus
 well, *almost* tutus, more like tattered reminders of what they used to be. The tears in the tulle, darling, you could’ve cried a river of Swarovski crystals for them!

You see, darlings, it all came to a head at the start of *Swan Lake*. This particular tutu, the one our principal ballerina had chosen, was a complete disaster. Not only had Barry apparently *lost* its famous Swarovski crystal embellishment, the main body was so riddled with tears it looked like something out of a horror movie!

Now, our dear ballerina, known for her impeccable temper, decided enough was enough. The crowd went absolutely bonkers as she took centre stage, a silent fury behind her perfectly shaped eyebrows. She pulled the "broken" tutu away from her body like it was the plague, and darling, it was a spectacle, darling, a *spectacle*. Then, *gasp*
 She took a deep breath, *that's* the moment everyone realised things were going down
 And darling
 The moment the music struck up? She pulled off her bra and *completely* bared her bosom in the most magnificent and scandalous way! She took a curtsy and the audience, absolutely ecstatic, gave her a standing ovation. Well, if you’re going to leave a tutu in shreds you can bet the house the rest will be done properly. What was to be *Swan Lake* was *Bra Lake* for the next hour! Talk about defying the norms and the tutus! What a glorious display of spontaneous expression!

But wait
 There’s more!
  • It turned out Barry had also somehow confused a tutu with an
 "adult-themed" garment, the one you use
 well, you get the picture. Thankfully it didn’t end up on stage, but darling, you should have seen the chaos! Apparently Barry couldn't find anything he thought *wasn’t* a tutu! It's a good job he doesn’t design children’s clothes!
  • The best part of it all? As Barry was getting dragged out by security, all he kept yelling was “but this tutu *is* finished!” I mean, darling, can you believe that? Talk about *faux pas*, darling! I’m just dying to know what *that* tutu was made of!
  • The rest of the ballet, darling, you could tell they were so distracted by Barry’s blunder, so they ended up going into the finale of the *Nutcracker*, bless their cotton socks, and did a completely improvised “nutcracker” dance routine that involved some very unusual steps, including some quite advanced hand gestures (a bit risquĂ© for the early evening crowd, but not unwelcome!)

The rumour mill is in overdrive darling. Was it revenge for a botched ballet shoe? Or just the usual creative difference between ballerinas and a man who couldn’t tell a tutu from a laundry basket! Honestly darling, it was enough drama for a season and it’s going to make headlines all over the world, for sure. Let’s hope this doesn't send the world of ballet into the chaos of *Bra Lake*, again!