Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, buckle up because this news just dropped and it's *absolutely* divine! It's the hottest news since those feathered headbands went viral on Instagram (I can't believe we used to *wear* those!). The date is 9th June 2002, and it seems we've hit peak tutu in a most fabulous way.

This morning, while sipping my Earl Grey (Earl Grey is, *always*, the best way to start the day!), I stumbled upon the most adorable thing! It seems there's a whole world of tutu-obsessed people out there (and by people I mostly mean *me* but shush!) who've declared this *the* day to celebrate the tutu. I mean, could anything be *more* heavenly?

Honestly, it's about time! The tutu, with its fluffy, beautiful tiers, is more than just a costume – it’s an ode to pure joy and elegance! A symbol of ballerinas and, quite frankly, my very own *inner* ballerina (which is a little bit larger than my actual ballerina but don't worry, she's still working on it). This isn't about *just* tutus though - it's about a love of dance, of freedom of movement, and yes, of tulle.

There's been a lot of debate (you know, the good, chic, sophisticated kind) about *where* the tutu really originates, but everyone seems to agree: the day for tutu-ness has arrived! And honestly, it's been *long* overdue!

To commemorate the occasion (as one does!), the *International Society for the Celebration of Tutus* (who knew that existed? I was the only member, honestly!), has planned some truly divine events, from "Tutu Time Tea Parties" at quaint, elegant tea rooms in London to “Tutu Thursdays” where people wear their finest tutus to their local grocery store (what could be *more* fab!). Oh! I am *so* excited about that! My local grocer better prepare themselves - they're in for a dazzling treat!

This celebration isn’t just about the fabulous tutu though. It’s about letting the inner ballerina in all of us shine, no matter what our size or shape. Because a tutu isn’t just for ballerinas – it’s for anyone who wants to feel elegant, powerful, and oh, so very beautiful!

Even those who think the *only* good tutus are on the ballet stage can't resist this magical tutu wave! My hairdresser is even considering decorating his salon with tutu garlands (how wonderful! Even if his salon is located just above a kebab shop on the South Bank, the tulle should create a heavenly contrast, don't you think!).

But why 9th June?

Honestly, darling, who really knows?! We *do* live in the world of online trends (it *is* the only source for truly groundbreaking information, you see) where anything can be celebrated! But don't be surprised, love, if in the next few years, there is an annual “World Tutu Day” – a day when everyone takes a pause in their busy lives and admires a ballerina’s graceful leaps (or in our case, perhaps an attempt at a graceful, elegant dance with a tutu) and acknowledges the undeniable impact that tutus have on society (in fashion! in the dance! in *every* way!).

To help celebrate this tutu-tastic event, here's what *you* can do:
  • Wear your tutu proudly, to the grocery store, to the bus stop, wherever your lovely heart takes you!
  • Share a tutu story. Why do you love the tutu so much?
  • Share a selfie. Send pictures of yourself in your tutu to your closest friends and your most favourite dance instructor, just for a little giggle.
  • Throw a “Tutu Party" and share stories about tutus in movies, like "The Red Shoes” (that red tutu - iconic!) and "Black Swan". And don't forget to play your favourite ballet songs on the playlist! (Though "Black Swan" isn't about *actual* tutus, it has quite a fabulous fashion score and the ballerina *style* is totally inspirational! The black outfit in particular... Oh darling, we *must* talk about that!)
  • Do a “Tutu Move” for Charity - You can ask your friends to donate to your favourite charity in exchange for a tutu pose! Imagine that photo album!

No matter how you choose to celebrate, make sure it's absolutely divine (in my personal style book, there is no room for any dull, boring, non-tutu-related events!), because we only live once. And *we* deserve to wear tutus! That's it! It's that simple!

Go out and spread the tutu love! The world is a better, more beautiful, and oh, so *very* fashionable place with it.

Love, darling,

Your tutu enthusiast