Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings! Can you believe it’s August already? Where has the summer gone? All those lazy days by the pool, the endless rosé, the blissful picnics... oh, and the endless sunshine (yes, it did actually exist for a glorious fortnight in the UK!). But all good things must come to an end, and as we reluctantly ditch our floral sundresses for (dare I say it?) something slightly more formal, let's take a moment to celebrate the ultimate summer ritual: The Tutus!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Tutus? Really, darling? In this weather? You're practically asking for a heat rash!" And to that, I say: Oh, hush! Just because we're saying goodbye to our bikinis doesn't mean we have to bid farewell to all things twirly and frilly! Indeed, a tutu, in my humble opinion, is a statement piece, a monument to femininity and grace, a tiny cloud of tulle that's just begging to be photographed in.

For those of you new to the world of ballet, let me elaborate. A tutu, my dears, is a little piece of heaven that every little girl dreams of. Imagine a beautiful, billowing confection of fabric, soft as a baby’s bum, that magically transforms a young lady into a ballerina! Of course, there are many different types of tutus (the classics, like the Romantic tutu with its layers of gauzy tulle, and the tutu-like dance skirt – much more forgiving and ideal for your, er, “advanced” age!), but let's be honest, who's going to notice the technical difference when you're frolicking in a tutu, surrounded by lavender and sparkling in the sun? It's all about that iconic, oh-so-feminine, silhouette!

You may be thinking that all this frothing at the mouth about tutus might seem a little dramatic. But here's the truth: you only live once! Life is way too short for anything other than maximum sartorial joy! This August, embrace your inner prima ballerina and don a tutu, and watch the world come alive with sparkles, joy and an unwavering, unapologetic, love for everything that twirls and froths.

And here's how you can incorporate this magical fabric into your daily life this month:
  • Tutu for a picnic: Swap your ordinary picnic basket for a wicker one that says, "Hello darling! It’s picnic time." Then, ditch the tartan blanket and break out the white, billowing tulle. Yes, your picnic might need some strategically placed clips or safety pins, but just imagine the glorious photos!
  • Tutu for your afternoon tea: Your favourite tea shop may not be expecting it, but trust me: a splash of tulle with your Earl Grey will certainly elevate the occasion. And it goes without saying that it pairs perfectly with your cream scones. I personally recommend a classic, short, tutu and kitten heels. Add a dash of ruby red lipstick, and you are guaranteed to be the talk of the teapot.
  • Tutu for an unexpected dance-off: Remember that time in high school when everyone took to the dance floor in a spontaneous flash mob? Well, why not recreate that magical feeling? Get ready for that surprise impromptu disco-themed event, or the street performance by the local brass band – whatever happens, have your tutu on standby! It's like having your very own dancing safety net.
  • Tutu to your desk: This might sound unconventional, but believe me, it works! Channel a whimsical office aesthetic, embracing the playful side of work life. It can add an element of "whimsicalness" to a typical office setting. Keep it short, wear it over your smart, business trousers or skirt – it's not quite a full-on tutu. A few wisps of tulle at your ankles can elevate the look. Remember, you're aiming for office appropriate (but, in this instance, also for tutu appropriate, too).

And if all of the above seems a bit "too much," there's always the option of adding a hint of tutu-related inspiration to your life through some stunning, ballerina-esque jewellery. I love the simple charm of a tulle pendant, or an exquisitely-designed ring depicting the graceful foot position of a point shoe. If you want something more understated, then consider delicate jewellery, with tiny tutu details (think earrings, bracelets and charms). It's the perfect way to let the tulle be an accent, a small flourish of creativity that brings that sweet ballet-related charm into everyday life.

Now, go forth and twirl, darling! And be sure to snap plenty of pics of your tutu adventures. You're going to want to look back on this glorious summer, when you had the audacity to embrace tulle and all its magic. Just try not to accidentally get tangled up with the garden hose! ?