Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, let’s talk tutus! They're like the tiny black dress of the dance world – classic, chic, and always a little bit saucy. And on this gloriously sunny 6th of September 2002, the tutu world has gone positively bonkers! You won't believe this, darlings, but apparently, some “fashion experts” are saying that the tutu is "out"! Out! As if!

Just picture it, the horror! The delicate layers of tulle, the frothy sweetness, the way they spin like clouds in a ballerina’s graceful leaps – gone, finished, passĂ©! Apparently, it’s all about “edgy”, “minimalist” designs these days, with a hint of “grunge” thrown in for good measure. Whatever! I say we embrace the tutu! Because let's be honest, the only thing “edgy” about these “new” fashion trends is the way they make your eyeballs twitch.

There’s something utterly fabulous about a tutu, a certain je ne sais quoi. You just slip into that frilly cloud of loveliness, and you automatically become a prima ballerina, even if the closest you've come to ballet is a drunken attempt to do the “swan lake” in a nightclub.

Honestly, tutĂșs are for everyone! Forget the haters! Let’s have a tutĂș revival, darlings. Picture this: A world where every woman rocks a tutu with the same confident grace as a ballerina at the Royal Opera House. From a day at the races to a glamorous evening out, the tutu is the perfect answer! Just add a touch of sequins, a dash of glitter, and maybe a feather boa for extra oomph! We need to show those so-called "fashion experts" what's what! The tutu is here to stay!

Speaking of tutus and style, have you heard of the new tutu collection by Coco Couture? It’s absolutely divine! They've got tutus in every shade imaginable, from bubblegum pink to sparkling silver! They even have a line of tutus made from recycled ballet shoes! I kid you not! It’s eco-chic!

Honestly, you'll find me on my way to the Coco Couture boutique. I'm thinking of a black tutu, maybe with a bit of a velvet trim. It’ll be perfect for my upcoming dinner date with Lord Harold Benton, who is absolutely besotted with a bit of theatre. I'm going for that classic ballerina vibe. I may even wear my ballet slippers – oh darling, it will be fabulous!

I know some people may think a tutu is too "out there" for everyday wear, but I say it’s just what the world needs – a little bit of fairytale fun. You just have to have the confidence to rock it!

And I'll have a sparkling, beautiful, frilly, sassy tutu with my name on it! You can be sure of it! **But hold on to your pom-poms because here's a fun fact, did you know: **

  • TutĂșs are so synonymous with ballet that they’ve been a permanent fixture in ballet costumes since the 1840s!
  • The iconic tutĂș you see on stage, is traditionally called a "Romantic tutu." You can tell it by its stiff, knee-length skirt, because it was designed to allow ballerinas to execute all the lovely pirouettes and leaps.
  • Believe it or not, tutĂșs were inspired by the costume for a mythological creature called a “tutu” who lived in a cave and had a long tail that flowed like the fabric! There’s a reason we love this costume!

Honestly, my love for tutus is undying. They are the embodiment of everything wonderful about the dance world: grace, elegance, and that captivating flutter of imagination. So if anyone tells you the tutu is "out", just laugh. You know the truth, darlings. It's never really going out of style. After all, what's a ballerina without her tutu, huh?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a fashion show to plan. And you can bet your bottom dollar it’ll be tutu-tastic!