
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers, it's time for another serving of gossip from the whimsical world of ballet. You know me, I love to dish, but today's scandal is truly, truly divine. Now, prepare your fainting couches because I've just had my best tip ever and it's about as dramatic as the grand finale of Swan Lake!

This week, a rather embarrassing situation occurred at the Royal Ballet, dear. A tutuā€¦ a delicate, fluffy, gloriously pink tutu went rogue, darlings. Imagine the scene: The Royal Ballet, the pinnacle of grace and elegance. Suddenly, *bam* ā€“ tutu in mid-air, soaring over the stage like a feathered projectile. It all happened in the middle of a performance, right at the climax of *Giselle*. It was, shall we say, absolutely ghastly, darling, simply ghastly.

Rumour has it that the *jeune femme* involved in this sartorial mishap was none other than our sweet, naive little darling, Daphne Plum. Yes, *that* Daphne Plum, she who had the misfortune of sporting that offending, airborne tutu. Poor thing was mortified, you can bet. Imagine, darlings, all those grand dames in their diamonds watching from the stalls, and what does the poor girl do? Throws up her arms and *screeches* "Goodness me, my tutu is taking a jolly good holiday!" Well, you just know the rest of the dancers couldnā€™t hold back their laughter. Just imagine that on stage. Honestly, I just knew that dear Daphne Plum was destined for theatrical tragedy ā€“ too much of a drama queen for my liking. But she has so much *potential*, a complete goddess in her ballet shoes when she's not attempting pirouettes like a flailing flamingo!

You know how it is darling, thereā€™s always a new story unfolding, especially amongst those tutu-wearing charmers. I do feel ever so slightly bad for Daphne, after all she *is* the most beautifully awkward thing ever in a leotard. The fact she took the mishap so terribly seriously is probably why she's so bad at being funny, so not surprised about her disastrous pirouettes. Itā€™s all a littleā€¦ *tragic*, but hilarious in that posh and witty way, isnā€™t it? There's no point dwelling on it now darling. Life, like the theatre, moves on!

On a completely unrelated note, what *has* happened to the lovely and petite Madame Poppins from *Cats* since her little indiscretion? One doesn't just *ditch* a contract in a musical that way without facing the consequences. As the *very* wise old actress Edith Evans once said, ā€œOh darling, we all have our dark secret and let's be frank, there's plenty of secrets in the ballet world!" She is certainly right about that. But don't worry, darling, if the secret is worth keeping then I certainly will.

To lighten the mood, let's talk tutus. You know what I mean, dear, the feathery clouds of tulle that float like angels at a costume ball. Some would say they're frivolous, but we all know it's an illusion darling, just as our hearts can be tricked by those sparkly stage lights. The humble tutu is much more than meets the eye; it is the pinnacle of performance wear, every bit as exciting as that new, super expensive silk scarf you covet.

You know I'm a true admirer of these fantastical, yet practical masterpieces. Did you know thereā€™s an entire department dedicated to tutu construction at most of the major ballets, my darling. This calls for serious craftsmanship, especially when they get those beautiful layers just right. These aren't your basic off-the-rack, bargain basement, fashion items; a quality tutu, one which is a thing of beauty and artistic expression, darling, can cost a kingā€™s ransom! This is why I'm so heartbroken about what happened at the Royal Ballet this week - just what was Daphne's *fabulous* excuse?

A quick note on some news from the fashion scene ā€“ a new wave of ā€œtuturoonsā€ are hitting the fashion world. Yes darling, imagine that ā€“ Tutu clothing is coming to a department store near you. Itā€™s happening! What would we think of these designer ā€œtutu-wearā€ types ā€“ and here's me in my sensible linen pants, phew!

Letā€™s be perfectly frank. Ballet isnā€™t just a fancy name for exercise; itā€™s an art form. In an increasingly materialistic and often vulgar world, tutus bring something different. It's that *frisson*, you see, that special sparkle of fairy tale elegance. And we'll have plenty of other fabulous gossip from the ballet world in our next article darling, because after all, ā€œA tutu in time saves nine!" And that my dears, is my take on the tutu, because letā€™s face it, the *only* drama we want is the kind that comes in soft pink and fluffy layers, no?

Stay chic and enjoy those tuturoon trends ā€“ if you dare. Iā€™m off for a cream tea and then, a long ballet class with the beautiful Miss Petals. After all darling, we need to stay in shape so we can have enough stamina for all this fabulous gossip, do we not?