
Tutu and Ballet News

Well darlings, it's February 15th 1997, and if you haven't heard already, the world is positively *buzzing* about tutus! It's like, everyone suddenly realised that those beautiful billowing layers of tulle aren't just for ballerinas, are they? Now, don't get me wrong, I adore a classic tutu on a perfectly poised dancer, but frankly, they look even better on me! Okay, maybe not on my daily commute, but I wouldn't say no to a fancy-dress party that demanded a tutu-clad entrance.

So, what has sparked this tutu-mania? Well, my little darlings, it's all down to *that* interview. Apparently, some big, muscly celebrity, one of those "A-Listers" (because, as we all know, A-listers are much cooler than B-listers or the downright "C-List"), decided to have a chat about life with some trendy magazine. Now, let's just say his take on tutus was a bit less...refined...than my own. He was apparently sporting one at a fancy dress party and he, and I quote, "thought he looked rather fetching." Honestly, I felt the need for an eye-roll emoji large enough to take up half the internet! The internet promptly went into meltdown, and, darling, all the tutus vanished from the shops, well, pretty much anyway. Imagine that.

Naturally, the media's all over it like flies on...well, flies. But you know what? I'm embracing it. If the boys can't handle our tutus, that's their problem. It's just further proof of how glamorous we ladies truly are, and it's definitely *not* because we need all the extra volume to stand a chance at a hug. That is so not the point! Honestly darling, it's a question of confidence, it's about showing the world just how fabulous you can be! You can't buy confidence darling, that comes with a little bit of magic and lots and lots of blusher, (not too much, mind you. Nothing ageing!) I have always felt confidence comes with a perfect red lip, a bit of sparkle on the eyelids and oh, a gorgeous flowing, soft-to-the-touch, tulle tutu, but that's just me.

I think we should all get a little more creative with our tutus. Think *pink feather boas*, think *sequin trims*, think *metallic sparkle*. If the men are wearing tutus (and they might be because the fashionistas have a knack for putting out just the right stuff for a real fashion frenzy), let's really show them how to rock it. We can *do* sequins, *we* can do sparkle. Now, we *could* all be going to a masked ball, or perhaps we are just all meeting for cocktails after work?

So, go forth and spread the tutu love! And remember: you never have to *actually* dance in it. In fact, dancing in one of those glorious billowing beauties might be best left to the professionals. Even those glamorous *tutus* have a nasty habit of getting caught on furniture.

In conclusion darling, let's put a stop to all the negativity. Forget all those "you can't do it, it's impossible" voices and just put on a magnificent, breathtaking, magnificent tutu!

It's time we all celebrated the tutu, in all its glory, and let the world know that we're ready to dance our hearts out, just as we do at that annual Gala that is *Strictly Come Dancing*. The best bit is, we can even enjoy it with a little tea and cucumber sandwiches, right?

Now excuse me darling, I need to find something to wear to my fabulous ball in a week.