
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darlings, can you believe it? The glorious, the elegant, the utterly iconic tutu has been declared "officially outdated" by a group ofā€¦ dare I say, *slightly* outdated men in grey suits! Apparently, the tutu, symbol of grace, athleticism and feminine beauty, is just not ā€œrelevantā€ anymore.

Honestly, I almost choked on my Earl Grey when I heard this. The tutu has graced stages for centuries! Itā€™s a ballet essential, the epitome of refined elegance! A tutu is like a diamond necklace for the dance floor - utterly timeless and utterly glamorous.

The men behind this ridiculous decree are apparently pushing for ā€œmore practical and functionalā€ clothing for ballerinas. I'm afraid, darling, that a ballerina's attire is never *really* practical. Do you think the swans in Swan Lake wore Lycra leggings? Exactly! Ballet isn't about practical, darling. Itā€™s about art, about illusion, about magic! The tutu embodies that magic.

Of course, they had to throw in their predictable pronouncements about "femininity" and "empowerment." Apparently, according to them, a woman in a tutu is somehow weak and trapped, but a woman in a pair of...let's be generous and say ā€œleggingsā€ ... is strong and independent?

My dear reader, they obviously haven't seen Misty Copeland leap and pirouette in her dazzling tutus. Now, *that* is an example of strength and empowerment! I am willing to bet these men haven't even seen a ballet in years, they are stuck in their ā€œgrey suit world,ā€ desperately clutching at the last shreds of their "serious" and ā€œimportantā€ reputations. Poor darlings. But we must never fear their misguided opinions!

What would we do without tutus, anyway? Imagine: no fluttering fabric, no ethereal whirl of silk! I dread to think of a tutu-less Swan Lake, darling. The scene wouldn't have nearly the same drama, the same romantic flair, the same pure enchantment. It would be like a cup of tea without a sugar cube - quite simply uncivilized!

So, hereā€™s what we must do, darlings. We must rise above, we must be fearless in the face of such outdated notions! The tutu has stood the test of time and, trust me, it will continue to flourish. You canā€™t tell me itā€™s not iconic:

  • From the iconic image of Margot Fonteyn in her delicate tutu in Swan Lake
  • To Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gelsey Kirkland twirling in a storm of feathers and silk
  • To Natalia Osipova showing off every graceful movement and incredible jump in her dazzling tutu - the tutu has defined the art of ballet!

Don't believe for a second, dear readers, that the tutu is a relic of the past. No, no, darling, it's simply the very epitome of classic, timeless beauty! I wouldn't dare be caught without a tutu in my wardrobe! And I'd suggest you donā€™t either. Put on your best pair, spin like a dervish, and prove that the tutu isnā€™t going anywhere, darling!

Stay fabulous!

Yours in fluff and feathers,

Penelope Pinkham,

The Fashionable Ballet Diva