Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darlings, gather round for a story that's practically pirouetted right out of the pages of a fairytale! Today, on this divine February 20th, 1997, the world of ballet, as always, has presented us with a delightful dose of drama. It’s a story of ambition, fluffiness, and oh yes, tutus!

Now, we all know that tutus are the epitome of elegant, whimsical grace. But apparently, not every dancer shares our sophisticated love for a little tulle and feathers. At least, that's what it seems after the spectacular, not-so-silent drama that unfolded at the Royal Ballet this afternoon.

It seems, dearies, that prima ballerina extraordinaire, Penelope Perfect (that's her stage name, darling, but frankly, she couldn’t be more perfect), refused to wear the specially commissioned, £10,000 tutu designed by the celebrated couturier, Monsieur Fluffy.

Apparently, the tutu – a dazzling affair of diamond-studded peacock feathers and an entire acre of delicate silk tulle – felt ‘too itchy’ according to Penelope, much to the despair of Monsieur Fluffy. The designer, renowned for his exquisitely theatrical creations, could only stare on with his trademark bewildered Gallic shrug and a muttering of, 'Mais pourquoi? Pourquoi?'

Monsieur Fluffy, a staunch believer that beauty requires a little suffering (or, well, possibly an awful lot of itchiness!), seemed to be baffled by this development. He was, let's be honest, expecting the entire cast to swoon over the tutus' intricate construction and luxurious, well, 'itchiness'.

But Penelope, who's always been known for her unyielding focus on performance, wouldn't budge. Her logic, as elegant as a perfectly placed pas de bourree, was that discomfort during a performance could lead to a ‘loss of concentration, resulting in unseemly missteps that would mar the magic of ballet’.

Instead, she insisted on her own creation – a custom-designed number, oh darling, the gossip is that it was made by none other than her grandmother! It seems this wasn't just any tutu, though, it was her own very own, personally treasured heirloom, handed down for generations! The rumour is it was once worn by her own Great Aunt Penelope Perfect (same name!), in the 1930s! Honestly, darling, you couldn’t get a more authentically ‘vintage’ tutu – apparently the design is even said to predate Monsieur Fluffy’s debut onto the fashion scene.

Now, here's the twist. Penelope, as the epitome of elegance, is renowned for her delicate complexion. Imagine our collective shock when she was seen exiting the rehearsal room this evening. On her dainty, aristocratic nose was what else? A 'Nosey the Nose' plaster! It’s said to be for ‘temporary congestion’, but frankly darling, I wouldn't rule out the 'allergy’ to Monsieur Fluffy's design!

The drama continues! A source from within the Royal Ballet has hinted that this dispute has the potential to 'crackle’ into a full-blown tutus war, pitting Penelope's time-honoured, elegant elegance against Monsieur Fluffy's flamboyant extravagance. Will this be the 'tu-tu-turmoil' that marks the end of our current tutu fashion era?

Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter, my dears. As we say in the world of high fashion, 'The show must go on!', so we must keep watching the space for this story! And of course, darling, all the details - the drama, the details, the gossipy side - will all be served right here! Because honestly, where else would you get your fix of the latest, most exquisite and ridiculously wonderful ballet-related gossip, other than right here?

Don’t worry, dears, as soon as it's confirmed, I'll be the first to spill the tea - be it for the dramatic demise of Penelope’s vintage tutu, a fabulous fashion face-off between Penelope and Monsieur Fluffy, or, who knows? Maybe Penelope's elegant refusal will actually spark the next great tutu design trend, giving rise to ‘grandma-chic' for ballet wear, or ‘eco-friendly' tutus made from vintage fabrics.

Until then, my dears, do make sure to watch the stage closely and enjoy this deliciously delicious tale, in all its ballet-tinged glory, and never underestimate the power of a perfectly poised ballerina who can truly rock the feathers and fight the itch - but darling, most importantly, wear what you love.

A Little More Tea on this Delicious Story:
  • It’s been rumoured that, after the ordeal, Monsieur Fluffy took a cab straight to the world-famous Selfridges department store in search of a new creative muse - rumour has it that his eyes fell on a rather intriguing and, as he's reported to have exclaimed, ‘magnificently puffy’ pink mohair dressing gown from their homewares section! We'll be sure to keep our eye on Monsieur Fluffy for future fashion trends!
  • A source within the Royal Ballet says that, despite the ‘itching drama’ , the choreography for the ballet remained entirely untouched, a sure testament to the dancers' professionalism and dedication, even when facing what is possibly, in the entire ballet world, the biggest tulle-related dilemma of the season.
  • There’s speculation within the fashion circles that Penelope’s insistence on the heirloom tutu has rekindled a trend in vintage couture for the entire ballet industry, with several designers seeking out grandmothers to acquire any potential family heirlooms that could potentially take the stage. Honestly, darling, don't be surprised to find vintage and eco-conscious fabrics gracing the grand ballets of tomorrow.
  • Lastly, there's a whispered rumour about the backstage preparations at the Royal Ballet. Seems that all the ballet dancers and crew - who normally spend all their free time working out and stretching – have apparently joined an exclusive dance fitness class called ‘Flex & Fix’, all based on one goal - “to ensure that absolutely no one experiences itchy outbreaks, in an utterly delightful and totally stylish manner”. Well, darling, if we don't get any fashion news soon, I guess we can have the best of a time trying these fabulous dance routines. And, perhaps I should invest in a new tutu? What say you? Maybe one of Monsieur Fluffy’s new designs from that ‘Magnificently Puffy’ mohair collection? I just can’t wait to see where it leads!