Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, what a day for a dance! It’s November 30th, 2002 – the day that, let's be honest, we all secretly live for: **Tutu Tuesday**! The air crackles with a unique blend of chiffon and excitement as every ballet-loving soul gears up for a day of twirls, tiaras, and yes, the absolute embodiment of femininity – the tutu.

Don’t judge me, but this morning I awoke to the strains of Swan Lake playing softly in the background. Why, I couldn't say, it was almost as if it had played itself! Was it the call of the prima ballerina inside of me, or just my flatmate's bizarre musical taste (who am I kidding, he's only got one record)? It's all irrelevant, because in that moment, I knew. **Today was a day for dancing, darling!**

A quick whizz around my apartment yielded an absolutely delightful discovery: a moth-eaten (but, oh so fabulous) vintage tutu that had somehow found its way into my wardrobe (clearly left there by my flamboyant, slightly eccentric aunt – I still can’t tell if she is more or less stylish than me.) In any case, I decided to take it for a whirl, a celebratory twirl, if you will, on my way to work!

I, of course, knew it would not be without incident. And indeed, darling, my morning commute turned out to be a delightful, and decidedly dramatic affair! Firstly, I accidentally caught my feather boa in the metro doors, narrowly avoiding being dragged off on an involuntary whirlwind tour around central London (imagine the stories the gossiping pigeons would tell! *Such* a dramatic entry!). Then, in the throng of commuters, I nearly took out an irate old lady in a rush-hour stampede – her face was quite an interesting study in indignity and I do believe I saw a touch of admiration. In fact, several heads turned in my direction – they say I quite lit up the platform (though it’s impossible to know for sure, of course – I do tend to shine so!).

Arriving at work, I discovered that I wasn’t the only one feeling the Tutu Tuesday spirit. My boss (whose sense of humour is refreshingly good and thankfully hasn’t reached a “dress code infraction” moment, or for goodness sake, the HR department), was spotted with a pair of tiny pink ballet shoes hanging from his briefcase. Then there was my coworker, Peter, who decided to "wear a tutu" to work, though in his own, "I am so masculine and clearly understand women" style by rocking an all-black look (even in ballet, the power of black never goes out of style, darling!), and adding **only one feather boa (so understated!**)

What made the day even more extraordinary was my chance meeting with the iconic ballet dancer, Ms. Celeste Dubois herself! This legend of the stage is my absolute idol - she truly embodies grace, poise and sheer talent, she is everything a tutu should aspire to be.

We had the most splendidly fabulous chat on the bus, of all things, all while she rocked a seriously amazing silk number - a veritable triumph of chic!

It’s hard to tell whether the look on the faces of fellow commuters was awe, utter shock, or perhaps a touch of fear – my face was probably etched with sheer, unabashed awe! It goes without saying that my day was totally saved – even my afternoon, when the dreaded Mr. Thompson was breathing down my neck for a report, had a touch of fairytale charm – after all, even deadlines lose their bite when you’ve just shared a bus ride with a real-life ballerina!

Of course, dear reader, one cannot celebrate a day such as Tutu Tuesday without acknowledging its origins and its very own "godmother." That would be Ms. Breton de Beauvoir - yes, the fashion icon herself! A remarkable woman, the "Grande Dame of Couture", she truly embraced the ballet and tutu (just as the rest of us adore a great outfit!). Her first collection in the late 1800s was full of playful and feminine tutus, even featuring them on a collection of "party gowns"! What an incredible innovator – truly a visionary, that one! She certainly turned the world upside down and started a trend for tutu-clad parties that are still going strong! So it’s a good thing we still remember to take time for twirls, feathers and yes, of course, those quintessential tulle delights - tutus!

So go ahead darling, grab that old tutu lurking in your closet or if you're a bit daring (just a teeny tiny bit!) , even venture to a shop to pick out a fresh, fabulous one! Celebrate your inner prima ballerina – I certainly did, and in that wonderful moment, I felt like I could conquer the world (just watch out Mr. Thompson, next time, you might even be serenaded by a chorus of dancing secretaries - it's definitely possible! ).

Top Tutu Tuesday Tips

Now, just so you know I have your best interests at heart, and, well, because you deserve the absolute best fashion advice ever, I’ve put together a handy dandy little guide to navigating Tutu Tuesday, so that you can look and feel simply marvelous!

  • Remember darling, the perfect tutu makes an outfit, but the perfect attitude completes the ensemble. Twirl like no one’s watching, darling - let the world see your joyous spirit! Even if you only make it two steps, a smile can work wonders, and no matter what anyone else thinks, you will be the belle of the ball, especially if you’re rocking a chic, but subtle, tutu with your little black dress! (Because that is what a true stylish queen would do.)
  • Get yourself a fab feather boa (think fluffy! Think glamour! Think long, soft, and decadent) and maybe even a matching tiara - (You can't go wrong with a tiara, darling - just find one that is suitable to the occasion! Even if your occasion is just being fabulous! ) It's a classic!
  • Pick out the perfect lipstick! I personally suggest something striking - the kind of shade that will truly announce your presence to the world. ( Think scarlet red or a playful bright fuchsia!)
  • Accessorise, darling, accessorise! The tutu is a great starting point. A fabulous handbag is key - think Chanel - always chic! (though an evening clutch would also be perfect - especially in a colour like electric blue or hot pink – be sure to select a vibrant colour! ), or add a classic pair of elegant ballet shoes! And remember to keep it classy darling - there’s no need to over do it!

There you have it, darling – all you need to turn even the dullest of Tuesday’s into a truly spectacular and stylish Tutu Tuesday! Go forth, dear readers, and rock it out!