Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, it's a new year, a fresh start, a chance for us to twirl into a new era of fashion, sophistication and, of course, tulle! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Tutus? In 2003? Hasn't that ship sailed, darling?" But, oh, my dears, let me assure you, the tutu is back, and it's more fabulous than ever!

Yes, you heard me right! This week's hot off the press news: Tutus are trending, my darlings. This was all spurred on by last night's, "Strictly Come Dancing" where the lovely, yet decidedly not so leggy, Ms. Fanny Flamboyant danced a waltz with her dashing, but slightly doughy, partner. And let me tell you, Ms. Flamboyant’s rather over-sized tutu was a complete disaster, causing, what shall we say, "a rather interesting performance". She quite literally had her tutu in a twist, you know? It spun around like a ballerina gone wrong. And not a graceful ballerina either, my dears. No, this was more like a tornado in a meringue factory, with the most wonderful result! It was truly unforgettable, a dance of pure, unadulterated comedy, with the audience roaring with laughter!

Well, the media are having a field day! All over the country, newspapers, blogs, magazines and even daytime television are discussing this tutu, praising the "effortlessly charming disaster" as they're so cleverly putting it! It's even made its way to the top of the fashion websites, with the phrase "flamboyant tutu" being the most searched term this week! The fashion critics, bless their hearts, are raving about this "new look", with some of the bolder, fashion-forward names in the business already incorporating a touch of tulle in their collections. There’s been talk of a 'Tutu Revolution' my dears, a fashion moment we’re going to see reverberate across the fashion scene in the months to come!

Now, the more daring amongst you may be considering embracing the "flamboyant tutu", but darling, be warned! It is, I have to say, quite the challenge to wear. A flamboyant tutu requires a certain level of grace and self-assurance. It's like putting on a pair of diamonds and not letting them blind you. It's an expression of sheer personality, and my, my, it's a risky look to pull off! So, darling, be bold, have some fun with it!

What I recommend:
  • Start small, darling. A little puff of tulle around the hem of a skirt? Now that is an absolute gem! And think of all the glorious swishing you'll get to enjoy as you sashay past your adoring fans! Just the thing to impress the local butcher with, don’t you think?
  • Now, for the true trendsetters! Consider a top with just a hint of a tutu vibe, perhaps some ruffled material around the neckline? Channel those 1950's glamourous fashion icons like, well, me darling, with a touch of modern flair, that's what I’m all about. But if you must go all-out and really do that flamboyant tutu, let me recommend choosing the right colour! It's important for it to suit your skin tone, darling, or your “flamboyant tutu” might make you look like a rather silly bowl of fruit salad. Just think hot pinks, citrus orange and the always-classic pink with a touch of black – think of how delicious that would look! You want to go bold! Now’s the time.
  • Oh, and another crucial piece of advice, darling? Shoes! If you're going for that flamboyant tutu look, don't wear heels that will get caught on the tulle. You wouldn’t want your whole act to come undone with the click of a high heel, would you? My dearest, always have an eye for a detail. It’s in the small things, darling.

Now darling, this week, be a ballerina. Don't be afraid to get your tutus in a twist and make some bold fashion statements. Because, even a messy, tangled-up tutu is still a delightful way to get a little bit of that classic, elegant dance spirit flowing through your wardrobe! It's not just about wearing the clothes, it’s about that effortless charm, that bit of grace in your stride, and darling, you were born with that, oh yes!