
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, darling, the world of ballet is positively *thrilling* today! Yes, it's February 26th, 1997, and if youā€™re not glued to your telly watching the Bolshoi in a live broadcast of Swan Lake (I know, my love, how *darling* that *is*), then you're missing out on a cultural gem! This news item is simply *divine*, as I shall be divulging the *most* fashionable news about the *fairest* of fabrics ā€“ the Tutus! *Can* you *believe* it? My darling, these things are more than just fancy petticoats, theyā€™re an *essential* part of the ballet lexicon.

Today is, you see, National Tutus Day. I *know*, absolutely *divine*, isnā€™t it? Donā€™t you just *love* how they flutter and twirl around a ballerinaā€™s legs as they dance *like* angels? *Fabulous*! My lovely reader, a tutu *is* a garment that simply *makes* us swoon ā€“ a perfect confection of delicate fabric and artful pleating, it is literally the *very* essence of grace and femininity. Imagine if you will a vision in pale pink, adorned with sequins like the *stars* in the heavens. My darlings, how utterly *enchanting*!

But darling, a tutu can be more than just pretty! They're a whole lot more *fabulous* than *that*. Iā€™ve just been flicking through the fashion pages of Tatler, my love, and just you *wait*, *wait*, *wait* until I *tell* youā€¦ tutus are being used in the most innovative way to express *that* ā€œballetcoreā€ style that everyone is *adoring* at the moment! *Divine*, isnā€™t it? The designers *are* absolutely *obsessed*. My darling, I must tell you, a white tutu over a classic LBD is simply *dreamy* - an easy *effortless* chic that makes one feel utterly *refined*. Just you wait for my next feature ā€“ I'm thinking of adding a pink tutu to my look at a *lovely* luncheon. Absolutely *gorgeous*!

Speaking of whichā€¦ Iā€™m currently preparing to enjoy a little tipple of something delicious (perhaps a Kir Royale, darling, how chic!) with my delightful friends. My darling, it simply wouldnā€™t *do* to wear something too seriousā€¦ so Iā€™ll be slipping on my trusty pale pink tutu, my love! Oh, yes, and itā€™ll be *magnified* by my delicate pink chiffon blouse with its exquisite satin buttons (so *exquisite*!) I canā€™t *wait*. After all, isn't this why we *love* fashion - to celebrate femininity, to feel *gorgeous*, to make a *statement*, darling? It's absolutely *fabulous*!

Today's Top 5 Tutu Facts * The first tutus, or to be accurate "tutu Ć  la FranƧaise," were *much* longer. A far cry from what we see on stage these days! * A professional ballerinaā€™s tutu is meticulously constructed ā€“ hand-pleated in multiple layers. This, darling, is to guarantee its magical twirl-factor! It really *is* an *art*! * The iconic *romantic* ballerina of the nineteenth century *loved* the "tutu Ć  la Romantique." Imagine a beautifully swirling, billowing tutu thatā€™s shorter than its French ancestor and a perfect picture of lightness and beauty. *Heaven*! * And remember, darling, tutus aren't just *for* ballerinas ā€“ they're *for* anyone who wants to *feel* *divine*! Absolutely *fabulous*. * Tututist, tutuist, tutuist - oh, yes, the name for a tutu-lover, and don't you just *adore* the alliteration? My darlings, how divine is that?!

And my darling readers, don't you dare miss out! My advice? You absolutely *must* buy one of those glorious satin ribbons that tie around the waist. Itā€™s absolutely divine! As if you're a little *ballet* goddess herself, darling! I simply *must* have another cup of Darjeelingā€¦