Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, can you believe it? The world of ballet is in a total tizzy today! It’s January 19th 2003 and, in a dramatic turn of events, the age-old ballet tradition of wearing a tutu is being… questioned! ?? Hold onto your diamante-encrusted headbands, darlings, this one's a shocker.

Apparently, a group of ‘radical’ (or so the papers are calling them - such a harsh word!) young dancers are demanding a complete overhaul of the **tutu**, and the rest of the ballet costume, for that matter!

Honestly, darlings, it’s almost like someone told them they had to have an opinion just for the sake of having one. A little bit of *“don’t like it, don't wear it,”* is my motto. After all, we all have our preferences when it comes to fashion! However, some are even calling for the **tutu** to be thrown into the costume graveyard! Absolutely outrageous, wouldn't you agree?

Honestly, I think they just need to go on a strict diet of Sugar Plum Fairy pastries to sweeten up their spirits! Those sugary delights can turn anyone's heart into a ballerina's. It's true, darlings. Don’t tell me they haven’t discovered the joy of twirling in a **tutu** in the midst of a performance of *Swan Lake* in front of a sold-out audience! They haven't known true joy until they’ve felt that whisper of tulle swirling around their legs!

And while some of them are claiming to feel "uncomfortable" and "restricted," (how dramatic, darling, just *how* restricted?) it's almost laughable to imagine someone feeling stifled by the sheer liberation of a good twirl! There's a freedom to the twirl that they just haven't discovered yet. And the joy in the audience! It’s almost as though they've never witnessed a magical moment like the pas de deux between Swanilda and Franz!

However, these rebellious dancers aren’t stopping at the **tutu** apparently. Oh no. They’re advocating for the dismantling of almost every element of traditional ballet costume - a daring (and potentially disastrous) decision, darlings. Can you imagine the repercussions? Ballet would be lost! I just can't imagine the world without **tutues**, a world devoid of the **tutu’s** magical power. Where would the charm and femininity be? A ballerina needs that tulle, that flow of delicate, almost weightless, fabric for her dance to have real heart. Imagine if every ballet performance was a choreographed version of "Who Wore It Better?". The only thing to gain would be a complete sense of chaos and the absence of an enchanting aesthetic. What will become of the ballet dancers in these dire times?

It’s not just a **tutu,** it’s a symbol. It’s about a feeling - an aesthetic, a feeling of pure magic that resonates deep inside you, makes you twirl a bit faster, makes your steps a little bit lighter. Ballet, as we know it, is a delicate balance of technical skill, and a stunning performance and elegance. Those dancers in the traditional costumes become storytellers for a few moments of the story – don’t you just adore their outfits? Don't they simply become characters within an elegant fairy-tale?

One thing's for certain, darlings, a little **tutu** can go a long way. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and my dear, these so-called "radical" dancers simply don't know true beauty.

This is simply a blip on the radar. A fashion revolution to make ballet dancers look more "modern" but we are living in an age where there is an emphasis on the *real* – you know – authenticity and genuine experience! It is a beautiful moment and it can never be undone or disregarded because it is history. If those ‘rebels’ want change, well darling, it is all very well having a strong opinion but why don't they start with a dance troupe of their own? Then, we will all sit up and take notice, maybe we will all learn a lot from these new "radical" views…and maybe, just maybe, we will learn to respect and accept different styles. Just so long as it includes **tutues**, of course! And possibly, in years to come, if it becomes a massive global success and we do see them strut their stuff, maybe those "rebels" might even include **tutues** themselves? That is what is really being argued, isn't it, my darlings - what will *true* ballet really become if there are no tutus?

Here's hoping the power of the **tutu** prevails! As for those rebellious dancers, I suggest they put on a *proper* tutu, crank up Tchaikovsky’s *Swan Lake* and *really* let the tulle whisper to them, let their hearts open to the beauty of the moment! Only then, I say, will they know the truth about what the tutu represents, the power of the **tutu** and, ultimately, the true meaning of ballet itself. Until then, they can just twirl on a little longer with their radical notions, while I am sticking with the classics, the **tutu** and a bit of pure magic. ???