
Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, can you believe it? It's February 2nd, 2003, and I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement! Why, you ask? Well, darling, it's National Tutus Day! Yes, you heard me right! It's the day we celebrate that fabulous symbol of grace, elegance, and let's be honest, a bit of *extra* ā€“ the tutu. It's a day to twirl, darling, twirl!

And this year, National Tutus Day has truly gone off with a bang! (Or should I say, *whirl*, dear? See, already getting into the spirit!) Apparently, some people think that tutus are a bitā€¦ wellā€¦ old-fashioned. They think they belong only in dusty old museums, or maybe on a slightly less than graceful teenager at her local ballet recital. Oh darling, *quelle horreur*! Those poor dears clearly have no idea! The tutu is back, baby, and it's here to stay.

Think of all those brilliant fashion designers who have taken the classic tutu and given it a modern spin. From Viktor & Rolf's utterly ridiculous (and divine!) couture creations to Jean Paul Gaultier's oh-so-sexy and daring use of the tutu in his latest collection ā€“ these fashion darlings know a thing or two about the power of the tutu. Itā€™s an ode to femininity, a beacon of elegance, and frankly, a bit of fun.

Speaking of fun, this year's National Tutus Day has seen a wave of utterly ridiculous and fabulously brilliant events!

  • In London, the Royal Ballet decided to take their tutu appreciation to a whole new level with their *'Tutus on the Thames'*. Apparently, all 100 of the ballerinas in their company paddled down the Thames in bright pink tutus while a marching band blasted out a rendition of "The Nutcracker Suite". Now, I may not know a great deal about the Thames, darling, but I know those poor ducks must have had quite a shock.
  • And then thereā€™s the Tutu Flash Mob! Apparently, it kicked off at midday, right outside the Houses of Parliament. Iā€™m not going to lie, darlings, I couldn't resist popping by for a peek! It was absolute *chaos* ā€“ hundreds of people, mostly wearing their very best, and possibly questionable, interpretations of "tutu". You know, the kind that your Aunt Betty might wear to a charity fundraiser. I felt an instant kinship with the ladies! It truly was a vision!
  • The "Tutu For A Cure" walk was a sight to behold. Thousands of people marched from London Bridge all the way to St. Paul's Cathedral in, you guessed it, tutus of all shapes, sizes, and colours! The idea, darling, was to raise money for Cancer Research, and let's just say those participants were anything but dainty. This wasn't a delicate ballet pirouette. No, dear, it was a full-blown tutu extravaganza that raised over Ā£250,000 for the charity. Well done to them!

Darling, letā€™s be honest, some of the designs werenā€™t necessarily in the classic ā€œpointe shoe on stageā€ mould, shall we say? However, you know what? It didnā€™t matter! There was genuine fun to be had. After all, the most important thing about a tutu, apart from the fact it looks perfectly marvellous, is that it evokes a feeling. It evokes joy, darling, it evokes excitement.

And letā€™s face it, it takes guts to throw on a tulle dress, hop around in public and show off those calves! It was all about the power of the tutu. The ability for this silly garment to transcend age, size, and shape and create a beautiful, ridiculous, joyous, and ultimately unforgettable moment.

You know what? I think it's about time I started a new National Day for a bit of silly fun. My initial thought? National "Feather Boa" Day? Yes, dear, it will have all the flamboyant appeal of the tutu ā€“ I am feeling incredibly bold!