
Tutu and Ballet News

Well darlings, it's the 8th of March, and we all know what that means! It's International Women's Day! But let's be honest, who really cares about the politics, eh? We all know the real reason we love this day: it's a fabulous excuse to celebrate the art of ballet! And what could be more iconic, more exquisite, more quintessentially feminine than the ballet tutu? I mean, a tutu, darlings, is practically a synonym for womanhood! Itā€™s the ultimate expression of grace, beauty, and poise. Iā€™ve got a feeling you lot are about to fall in love with tutus all over again after reading my latest musings on this fabulous fashion statementā€¦

Now, I know some of you may be thinking: "Tutus? That's so 20th century, darling!ā€ But you know, tutus are just like those classic black heels or a fabulous red lipstick - timeless! Thereā€™s something so captivating about seeing a dancer swirling and leaping, her tutu billowing like a cloud, and thatā€™s definitely not going to go out of fashion anytime soon, darling! Let's face it, ballet without a tutu would be like a croissant without the buttery goodnessā€¦

Speaking of goodness, I absolutely must share this fantastic discovery I stumbled upon: ā€œThe Tutu Society,ā€ which is basically the most glorious thing ever! This society, darling, has nothing to do with the dance (sadlyā€¦ we can dream). Theyā€™ve turned the tutu, that delightful fluffy symbol of femininity, into an utterly fabulous fashion statement for everyday wear, which is amazing news! Iā€™ve seen photos of these beautiful things in their latest collection, and, darling, you will not believe it! Tutus as cocktail dresses, tutu jackets, tutu trousersā€¦ oh, darling, I have just died and gone to sartorial heaven.

This is fashion I can get behind! Itā€™s the perfect way to show the world your inner ballerina and that you can totally rock a fluffy, whimsical fashion item! What do you say? Is the tutu set to make a glorious comeback as a staple of chic fashion, replacing, let's say, those boring old dresses?

Speaking of boring, can we please talk about these terrible tutus that are constantly gracing the stage at our beloved Royal Opera House? Not every ballerina can rock a tutu. Seriously. You've got to have a certain something! That little ā€œje ne sais quoi," darling. You need a strong core, but even that's not enough sometimes. Take it from a fashion queen - you also need fabulous confidence, legs for days and those delicate ballerina wrists. But no one told these unfortunate dancers about the golden rule of tutus. Itā€™s the most basic, important rule ever, and these women have been going against it! Do they even realise this rule exists? The rule, darlings, is this: the tutu needs to compliment your dancer body type. That's right, darling - not everyone was meant to wear a tutu! So, you better work it, darling, because if you can't pull off a tutu, well, you might need a few more dance lessons before you grace us with that fabulous outfit.

Letā€™s not focus on the lacklustre performance of the dancers for a second - let's appreciate the magic that these tutus make! Have you ever noticed, darling, that whenever I see a dancer on the stage, thereā€™s this magical quality about their movement when theyā€™re wearing a tutu? Even a slightly disappointing performance feels amazing thanks to this divine fashion statement! You know itā€™s a kind of hypnotic trance that leaves you spellbound, entranced by the beautiful and enchanting movement. Yes, even I have been swayed! There's just something utterly captivating about the movement of a dancer in a tutu, so elegant, graceful, ethereal. Oh darling, the magic is truly alive!

Hereā€™s an interesting fact I just came across: Apparently, a traditional tutu is only about two and a half pounds of fluffy goodness! Who knew? Whatā€™s even more mind blowing is that the tulle - the stuff that they use to make the tutu, darling - is extremely delicate. You wouldnā€™t believe how many yards of tulle are needed to create one tutu, oh darling, it takes at least a hundred yards to create a full tutu, and hundreds more yards for a pancake tutu, or as the younger lot are calling it, a ā€œfashion tutuā€

It's just this intricate mesh, delicate and light as a feather, yet strong and bold as, oh, darling, let's say... a panther! (Now thatā€™s a metaphor you just donā€™t hear every day!). The most exquisite example is this magnificent tutu designed by Alexander McQueen! He even called it ā€œA Tribute to Balletā€. Imagine, darling, the time, the energy, the sheer effort it takes to make these tutus! Just as many man hours goes into making them as a beautifully constructed garment that you might find on the most exclusive fashion catwalk. So there you have it - the next time you see a ballerina on stage, just pause and take a moment to appreciate those beautiful tutus for the stunning garments they are.

But hereā€™s what I don't understand - why hasnā€™t the tutu become the next big fashion item already, darlings? We have everything in fashion at the moment - tracksuits, pyjamas, ripped jeans, but no tutus? How is this possible? We have celebrities dressing up in everything else, and the ballet tutu is so elegant! I mean, can we all admit, that if Rihanna strutted out wearing a classic tutu, everyone would immediately jump on this trend and run to their nearest tutu store to get their fix! And even though we don't want to mention our darling Kylie and her fashion blunders, she just wouldn't look out of place in one! She should really get someone on her design team to work with her to make a fantastic couture version of a tutuā€¦ oh darling! That would be simply fabulous!

And finally, a final, little fun fact, just before I go. The worldā€™s first tutu was worn in 1839, designed for a dancer named Marie Taglioni who appeared in a production of La Sylphide. Yes, Marie Taglioni made her tutu debut, you know, the famous skirt you've seen dancers wear in countless ballet productions, right? Can you imagine all the tutus worn throughout the history of ballet, and not just in dance? All those delicate ruffles and yards of tulleā€¦ itā€™s staggering to think of it. They must all be hidden away in secret tutus libraries somewhere! A real tutu fancierā€™s dream! I am off, my darlings. Let's all embrace our inner ballerinas!