Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, can you believe it? Today, the 11th of March, 2003, the day that history made, was also the day that tutus took centre stage – and not in the way you might think!

I mean, honestly, who knew that ballet would make headlines in this way? You'd think the war in Iraq would be the main talking point, but it seems some very important people have decided that tutus are the real power play.

Here’s what happened:
  • The Queen, God bless her, had an official audience with the Prime Minister, Tony Blair. But you know how she loves her ballet – she was sporting a turquoise tutu. You heard me, a tutu!
  • Now, Blair himself wasn’t exactly a picture of grace, but he played along and actually complimented her! “Gorgeous, Your Majesty!” he said, waving a limp handshake towards her twirling, fluffy skirt.
  • Apparently the Queen said, "I find the most graceful solution for wartime issues is the graceful dance of a swan's feather..." she then twirled like a ballerina. We were all stunned, absolutely speechless - especially the poor news reporters in their suits.
  • Meanwhile, Prince Charles was on the other side of the world, visiting India, and you will not believe this – he arrived with a complete, full-blown ballet troupe! They performed Swan Lake right in front of the Taj Mahal. Honestly, who could be more diplomatic than a graceful ballet dancer?
  • And get this: They even let some of the Indian children in the audience join in – what a wonderful cultural exchange, a little bit of London's best brought right to the heart of the East.
  • But the piĂšce de rĂ©sistance, the truly breathtaking moment, came with our Prime Minister himself, strutting his stuff at the ballets. And believe me, this wasn’t just a quick tap on the dance floor - Blair pulled off some impressive pirouettes and even managed a grand jetĂ© that made the paparazzi fall over themselves in shock and admiration. He was actually good.

You see, darling, tutues and ballet, they are truly universal languages – and who needs weapons and wars when you’ve got graceful twirls and flowing tutus? I mean, seriously, imagine all the diplomatic solutions we could come up with if our politicians spent a little less time talking and a little more time learning the sashaying art of ballet? Now wouldn’t that be a ballet to behold?

But of course, that is the true news, darling, don’t just listen to what the news anchors tell you! Look at it for yourselves and make up your own mind! What a fun little twist in the news this week.

Honestly, darling, it makes one want to go out and buy a tutu just to make a statement about peace and understanding! Imagine, all of us – even those stern news reporters – twirling around and expressing our feelings through the language of ballet.

Isn't this the most delightful news to have hit the world this month? A warring world filled with a touch of whimsy, a little bit of tutu, and a whole lot of ballet – how fabulous is that?