Tutu and Ballet News

Well darlings, it's been another whirlwind week in the world of ballet, and what a week it has been! I'm just back from a glamorous soirée where I rubbed shoulders with the who's who of the dance world. Did you know that, while I was busy having my photo taken with a handsome Russian ballet dancer, I saw a tutu being smuggled out of the building in a laundry basket? No, it was not one of my beloved feathered affairs - it was just your standard, plain Jane, boring old tutu. Who steals tutus, you ask? I couldn't tell you! Anyway, it got me thinking about these mythical garments.

You see, there’s a bit of a tussle brewing in the ballet world: it's the big tutu debate! As it turns out, our little white and fluffy companions have been having their moment in the sun - no, darling, I'm not talking about a new trend in solar-powered tutu fabric (although now that you mention it, that would be spectacular!).

But, back to the main event! The argument is: Should we just say "Au revoir!" to the tutu? I mean, there are many ballerinas who feel, and rightfully so, that they are becoming a bit passĂ©. Imagine being on the receiving end of, "Your tutu looks quite nice," while all you can think is, "How bloody ironic!" The big problem? Tutus, it appears, just don’t inspire our darling ballet stars enough. Now that's a little bit scandalous!

I mean, a tutu, a little tulle masterpiece, is like the very soul of the ballet world, wouldn’t you agree? So, it seems some are saying: "Goodbye tutus, you have had your run!"

Well, I am not ready to bid them adieu just yet. A ballet without a tutu is like a breakfast without eggs - unthinkable, really. Now, I wouldn't want you to think that the fight against tutus is entirely new. We've had little skirmishes before, battles over whether they should be big and dramatic or sleek and elegant, all over the stage, or confined to just a few shows. But this? This seems serious, darling, a potential “Great Tutu Rebellion.”

But what about the "fans" of the tutu, the faithfuls, the ones who still think tutus have all the style, all the drama, all the romance? Surely, you say, those loyal souls cannot all be wrong! I understand why some are wary of being seen in one, they can make even the lithest ballerina look bulky! And if that’s what's preventing more from joining the tutu party, then maybe it is time for a little fashion intervention, my dears!

The good news is there are still those who feel the "tutu love". For example, there is "La Tutus!" a company dedicated entirely to keeping tutus in the limelight. They’ve even come up with a line of new and modern designs, that take a nod to our favourite, and now maybe controversial, tutu - the kind with a supersized fluffy skirt. This includes everything from delicate shimmering tutus with sparkles that will make you dazzle like a star in the Milky Way, to bolder, contemporary creations inspired by street fashion - something that screams "Look at me, I am fierce!" Now, you can even get tutus in shocking pink, bright yellow, even neon green! Honestly, darling, if that doesn't set your creative pulse racing, I don’t know what will!

My little birdies on the inside of the dance world tell me the tutu might make a return to a larger-than-life production at the Royal Opera House in, you know, just a little bit over two weeks. Maybe not quite the big “show stopping” debut it deserves. But, then again, it is going to take a bit more persuasion before it can become a true phenomenon once again. The big question is: are we going to have a world with or without the humble tutu?

I’m betting, my dears, the answer is YES! I can't imagine a ballet without these magnificent creations. They are just as essential to the magic and drama as a beautiful costume, a masterful piece of music, or an inspiring dance. Besides, darling, they make our ballet stars look even more divine! The show must go on, and that, my darling, includes tutus!

The "Big Tutu Debate: A Deep Dive"
  • The Tutu and the Times: Is it outdated or the soul of the ballet world?
  • From "Fluffy" to Fierce: A new breed of tutus ready for the spotlight
  • The Battle Royale: Who will win, the modernists or the tutu traditionalists?

And now for a little bit of fashion fun: the "Best Tutu Look" competition is open, darling. All you have to do is send me a photograph of your favourite tutu - any tutu, any time, any place - for a chance to have it featured on my website, a place where you can see the most exquisite and dazzling tutus.

Remember, my darling, no matter how much the ballet world evolves, it always goes back to what makes it great! A fabulous performance, incredible artistry and
 a fabulous tutu!