Tutu and Ballet News

**Tutus and Troubles: The Ballet World is in a Spin!**

Oh, darlings, you simply *must* hear about the latest scandal to rock the hallowed halls of ballet. It’s a whirlwind of whispers, rumour and, yes, the odd feather boa thrown for good measure. All thanks to, what else, a little thing called the "tutu". But before you think it’s some grand conspiracy involving pointy shoes and stolen pirouettes, let’s just say, *well*, this is more "Mean Girls" than "Swan Lake."

Now, you all know the classic image, don't you? A ballerina, hair as neat as a freshly-ironed blouse, face a picture of ethereal grace, spinning like a whirling dervish in a fluffy pink tutu. (Think a marshmallow on a stick, darlings, and you’re practically there). And this image, this delightful clichĂ©, has been causing quite the ruckus.

You see, it all started when Madame Simone de Beaumont, renowned choreographer, darling of the Royal Ballet and, I daresay, the most stylish woman in the entire industry ( her matching ballet pumps and clutch were a vision at last year's opening night!) , announced her latest creation, a piece entitled "The Tutus Are Out." Well, darling, the press went into meltdown.

The title, they declared, was just plain *scandalous*. The whole piece, with its suggestive costumes and a finale that could only be described as *experimental*, was deemed far too daring, *far* too modern for a classic, and traditionally very proper, ballet scene. But Simone, ever the rebel, brushed aside the critics with a dismissive flick of her wrist (which, naturally, she accessorized with an outrageously beautiful Cartier ring).

“Ballet needs a little livening up," she announced to the screaming throngs of journalists. " It's all about challenging the conventions. After all, haven’t you heard? This isn’t the 1800s. We are modern women now. We need a bit of sass and spunk to really make a statement!"

But *some* of the seasoned dancers weren’t so thrilled. You see, darlings, there was one tiny detail that nobody mentioned, the detail that brought this whole affair crashing down like a poorly-timed pas de deux - the choice of costume.

Instead of the classic pink tutu (and oh, how we *adore* those, so feminine and romantic, darling!) Simone chose white, but white like a blizzard, sharp, and frankly, not as delicate as a snowflake. The effect, they said, was as though someone had just sneezed on the classic image, a whole *lot* of sneeze, and a lot of, er, "spontaneous combustion."

So, you’re left to ask yourself, “What’s so wrong with white?” The answer? It seems that amongst the dancers, pink tutus hold a kind of hallowed ground. They're like the Mona Lisa of dance, perfect, elegant and, for lack of a better word, "sexy" . White tutus? They were more suited to ice-skating. Imagine the *gasp*, darlings! A whole dance company potentially facing “fashion suicide” and possibly needing new leotards altogether (if the colour scheme was this bold, who knows where else she’d venture with a daring sartorial choice).

Then there were those who simply refused to wear white, claiming it “didn't suit them”. Apparently, a "wrong shade of white" would somehow "clash" with their **signature pouty-lip lipstick and eye makeup"**. Quite frankly, I was speechless (as usual!). And of course, with this being the ballet world, all hell promptly broke loose. There was finger-pointing, tearful backstage conversations, even the odd rumour about a carefully-placed safety pin (well, I can't say *where*, darlings, but let’s just say, the rumours were *colourful* and we know these ballerina bodies, oh my!)

Eventually, the inevitable happened. Simone's show was cancelled, not for any artistic criticism but for what she later termed as "the politics of dance." And while it was a blow, Simone, ever the champion, refused to be silenced.

"I’ve simply started a debate about fashion and its role in art", she declared with a perfectly-placed shoulder shrug ( and that new Cartier diamond necklace that matched her emerald green pumps. *Effortless*, the darling was just effortless.) “We're breaking free, defying expectations! I’ll let you in on a little secret, though. It was all a very calculated move to stir the pot and grab some attention. Don't be silly darlings, there are absolutely *no* white tutus! That is just what they told the press! There are, however, *grey* tutus!"

**So what can we learn from all of this? **

  • Ballet is about much more than dancing.
  • Sometimes a white tutu can start a fashion revolution.
  • It pays to have a strong opinion, even if it doesn’t match the ballet pink.
  • Don't underestimate the power of a little fashion, darlings!

And as for the world of dance, well, darlings, this may be just the beginning of the tutu wars. I have my bets on a brand new collection of dazzling coloured tutus. We shall have our first glimpse of this spectacular fashion statement at next year's New Year's Eve "First Night" Gala. We know Madame Beaumont loves the limelight!