Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers,

Grab your teacups, settle in your comfiest slippers, and let’s gossip! Because darling, let's be honest, what's life without a bit of backstage gossip? It's time for a little dose of *tutu vĂ©ritĂ©*.

Today's date? 16th of November, 1996! Why, that's the very date the ballet world was sent into a spin with the latest "tutu controversy" - and dear me, it was quite the scandal. It's all about our favourite, *oh-so-lovely*, graceful ballet shoes - the **tutus**.

You see, my lovelies, in the hallowed halls of The Royal Ballet, there's a tradition: **white** tutus for the swans in "Swan Lake," and **pink** tutus for the sugar plum fairy in "The Nutcracker". Simple as that. A symphony of pink and white tulle - perfect, elegant, as graceful as a swan.

But darling, it wouldn't be a *true* scandal without a rebel! Our rebel? One Monsieur Claude de Beauvais, a French choreographer, quite known for his modern dance antics (and darling, let's be honest, some *very* questionable leotards!), decided to shake things up.

Now, I'm not one to judge - I think experimentation is vital, even in ballet. But *imagine* the uproar, darling, when Monsieur Claude unveiled his "Swan Lake" with a shocking twist. A scandalous **turquoise** tutu on his swan?

He said he was, *quote*, "bringing a fresh perspective" to the classical tradition! Oh darling, don’t you *just* adore his cheeky phrasing! It set the entire ballet world aflutter.

**Now, the gossip:**

  • Some thought it was pure *genius*! They raved about its audacity, its 'modernness', and it’s 'refreshing take on a classic'! (The most daring ones even said "Turquoise is the *new* pink!")
  • Others, the traditionalists you see, they went into absolute hysterics. “Disrespectful”, “blasphemy,” and even a *few* whispers of "an attack on tradition" were heard around the theatre.

But *listen* here, my pet, the show was a smash! You could have sold the last box on the very street - standing room only. Tickets were like diamonds - gone, gone, gone! It's been a good three months since that opening night, and there hasn't been a dull night. I *dare* say, the debate might continue even until next season.

Oh, darling, that Monsieur Claude is a real master of the dance floor! We can’t help ourselves, *he knows exactly what to do*

This scandalous tutu, with its audacious *tur-quoise* hue? Let's face it, darling, this is a move *far more* modern than that *very* questionable 'neon-green leotard' fiasco, back in 1990, don’t you think?

Darling, all this is just the start of it. This new ballet is a revolution, *a paradigm shift in ballet fashion*, don't you think? It’s like we're living in the tutu Renaissance, don’t you? And I, for one, *can’t* wait for all the *juicy* details. But that, darling, will have to wait. We'll save that story for another *glorious* day.

Stay beautiful, my loves,

Until next time,


Lady Penelope