
Tutu and Ballet News

Itā€™s the 25th of November 1996 and this news item is being stepped on, you heard right, STE...P...ED ONā€¦ Itā€™s all the rage this season at the Royal Opera House and my dears, it is pure sartorial genius! The latest ballet moves in London have made me absolutely chuffed to bits because you know itā€™s true; itā€™s simply not ballet without those glorious pink tutus ā€“ I mean how could it be. The very essence of this graceful dance art lies in its sublime use of colour. Now letā€™s have a quick chitchat about this revolutionary, shocking and utterly genius twist that our esteemed director at the Royal Opera House has graced us with this season; we're talking tutu-stomping action here darling.

Just imagine this, the most exquisite ballerina ( I mean of course she is exquisite) pirouettes across the stage with perfect precision, those pointed toes en pointe with effortless grace. Then BAM! Her perfect white, er sorry I meant PINK, tutu gets trodden upon! My dears! itā€™s absolutely sensational - just like seeing one of my fave boy bands perform - and of course everyone screams in horror and it makes my pulse race - pure theatre at its absolute best. A complete game-changer in ballet. This unexpected and oh so naughty little surprise for the audience adds this little je ne sais quoi and makes this dance routine SO. MUCH. MORE. ENGAGING. I mean we just canā€™t get enough of it! Just take a moment and think about this: ballet and dancing isnā€™t about just seeing ballerinas flitting about with perfect precision. Itā€™s all about the theatrical magic; those amazing ballet moves, the stage, the set, the light and of course the costumeā€¦Oh My Lord the costume.

I just adore how our little ballerina stomps her way across the stage. What could be more captivating. Those dazzling diamonds and sparkles embedded on those tutus are exquisite ā€“ donā€™t even get me started on that fabulous feather boa (my fave)! Itā€™s an absolute explosion of colour and an amazing spectacle of sheer dance bliss. Oh and of course those delightful leotards with their contrasting colours that flatter our talented dancers. Who wouldn't be swept away by their divine dance skills. Itā€™s the most delightful and spectacular dance act the world has ever seen; I just can't get enough! So darling go forth and see the beauty for yourself, book tickets right away to the Royal Opera House and treat yourself, I promise itā€™s one experience you'll cherish forever!

However there have been some concerns amongst ballet aficionados that this rather radical move by the Director is quite simply ridiculous - but, oh darling, how can anyone criticise the divine. Just look at the way this exquisite dancer steps on those white tutus- sorry darling it was pink ones of course. My darling! How could we mistake those darling tutus; I love a good colour combo and this was certainly an impressive and innovative look for ballet, but honestly my dears...It just seems utterly, completely, bonkers, really quite strange really - even to a newbie to ballet like myself, it seems somewhat shocking. Now please darling, letā€™s move onto the fashionista ballet dancers themselves...

Ballet fashion ā€“ I do just love a bit of that sartorial fashion fun. The tutus this year at the Opera house were exquisite and simply divine; I mean a total wardrobe must have! I would buy these tutus at a stroke, or rather with the swipe of my credit card, they were that lovely. Now donā€™t get me wrong darlings; itā€™s always best to wear those pink ones and those divine ballet shoes of course. Letā€™s not forget the absolute show stopper, my personal favoriteā€¦that little feather boaā€¦Iā€™m quite partial to a little bit of fluff.

But darling... let's rewind to those rather shocking shoes (the ballet shoes of course!) ā€¦ Now if you excuse my rather immodest and slightly vulgar words, the dancer who performed the rather ā€œstompyā€ moveā€¦ darling she stomped them right on her dancing shoes, in those tutus (Pink, did I mention? PINK!), It was pure madness and utter genius! This new dance routine was all the talk on the high street - those delightful sparkly leotards paired with the oh so glamorous sparkly, feathery boa. The dancers at the Royal Opera House are pure art on the stage - they just mesmerise meā€¦

I know a lot of ballet aficionado's felt a tad nervous to see those dancersā€™ shoes so battered; however I was completely hooked. They took ballet dance performance to new heights - and really put it on the world stage!

But what is next for this ballet troupe of extraordinary and dare-I-say slightly mischievous dancers...Oh well darling, all shall be revealed in our next news item, stay tuned. Now I am off to visit the shop where I purchased my divine tutu from and ask for my money backā€¦ they say imitation is the highest form of flattery so darling I might even ask them for a small discount!

I'll let you in on a secretā€¦ a ballerina stomping all over the place is all very fun and exciting ā€“ but itā€™s also quite an effort and dare I say...slightly damaging to your health so why not take a moment to read these rather handy tips that are about to revolutionise ballet and ballet shoes ā€“ just to get you in the right dancing mood!

  • Take good care of your gorgeous and rather precious dancing shoes and if your budget can stretch far enough itā€™s best to always go for high-quality shoes! They really do last so much longer and always, always, always have an extra pair of your shoes, just in case the unthinkable happens and your precious dancing shoes break.
  • Remember darling to stretch - if you're lucky and have the time get your best mate, to stretch your muscles too!
  • Listen to your body ā€“ no need to be a glutton for punishment when it comes to the way you treat your body. Always warm up properly and if you're ever in doubt ā€“ or have any aches and pains get some expert advice!