Tutu and Ballet News

**Oh, the drama!**

Well, darlings, it's happened again. Another tutu tantrum! You know, I never thought I'd see the day where something as beautiful and ethereal as a tutu would cause such a stir in the world of ballet. But here we are, folks. Just another day in the life of a ballerina.

The latest sartorial scandal erupted this morning at the Royal Ballet. Apparently, some of our lovely, delicate dancers have been engaged in a heated, behind-the-scenes dispute. The crux of the matter? Pink.

You heard right. Pink. As in the colour of that luscious, strawberry-kissed, utterly romantic shade that can make any girl feel like she's about to twirl into a fairytale.

But alas, in the world of ballet, nothing is ever quite so simple, is it? According to my impeccable sources (I do have a network, you know, whisper it!) some of our ballerinas are staunchly anti-pink tutu, finding it frivolous, twee and – gasp! – just a tad too...**cutesy**. Apparently, they’d prefer a dignified, elegant **white**. It seems that these swans have declared a tutu revolution. And, let's face it, they're all wearing **white** right now anyway.

One can understand the desire for sophistication. After all, ballet is a highly respectable art form – not a frothy trifle for little girls. But pink? Really? There's so much history associated with the shade! We're talking a glorious tradition stretching all the way back to the time when tutus weren't even considered **fashion**. They were simply layers upon layers of white silk and gauze – hardly a colour that made you say “Ooooo!”.

Now, back in those early days, the ballerinas needed something light and floaty that would allow them to perform those glorious leaps and arabesques. White it was, then. But that didn’t stop our Victorian grandmas from adorning their little girls with bonnets and frilled, lacey underthings. And what were they adorned with, do you think? Pink! So pink and frilly! Pink with those charmingly pale and dainty ribbons and bows. We were always the “pretty, girly” ones, weren't we, lovelies?

So to think that some of our contemporary, and oh-so-modern ballet dancers want to cast away this heritage, to deny our little “fairy” past – that simply does make me weep. And who’s at the heart of this revolution? A young and rather determined ballerina named ...shall we just say 'Delia' ...who is not only refusing to don the **pink** but demanding that her costume be *embroidered* with the bold statement: “Say No To Pink”. I swear, my darlings, you simply cannot make this up.

Anyway, darling, don’t even try to understand these people. It's just too much, right? Just let them keep their silly little protest in their tiny, rebellious corners, as long as we get our chance to **swirl and twirl** to our hearts’ content! Because here’s a truth I think they’re forgetting. At the end of the day, **pink is pretty**, yes. But it's also *powerful*. It says "romance”, "passion", and *“let’s just dance our hearts out.”*

There’s nothing quite like **pink**. So let's have another **tutu**, and make it a **pink** one. If it can withstand those leaps and twirls, it’s going to look simply gorgeous. I can hear the sound of tutus being whipped out of their wardrobe boxes, don’t you?

**I know I have mine ready** – **and it's a real showstopper.** See you all at the ballet, my loves. I have a feeling that it's going to be quite the spectacle!

Until then, stay chic.

Here are a few more points to consider in our “pink vs. white” tutu battle:

  • I suppose one could make the argument that white is more classic. It's sleek and understated – very minimalist, don’t you think? After all, the colour *white* represents purity and grace.
  • But then again, isn’t **pink** just as ethereal? And doesn't it make one’s heart skip a beat a little bit faster? Isn’t **pink** also the very definition of *beauty*? Don’t tell me it doesn’t leave a little glimmer in your eyes when you spot it.
  • Then there is the whole issue of practicality. White will show the sweat more. Not a good look in the spotlight. You don’t want to be that one sweating ballerina. That’s not how you get **en pointe**
  • At the end of the day, isn’t *any* tutu magical? I mean, they're not called **ballet skirts**. They are **tutues**. Let’s just all dance to our own individual beat.

The bottom line, darling? You’ve heard what the pros have to say. You know what to do!