Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, gather round! Pour yourselves a cup of Earl Grey, grab your macarons and get ready for a little tea party of a news update because, my darlings, today, the 5th of February 1997, is the day that a revolution swept the world of ballet: it’s the day the tutus took a stand, a stand for individuality and, let’s be honest, for looking utterly divine! The whole world of dance and the fashion world, gasped as ballet, oh, how they say, was always so conservative, became – *quelle surprise* – well, dare I say it - fashion-forward?

Let me explain – I’ve always felt the tutu could use a little… um, “umph”. And darling, isn’t it about time a tutu is seen, as a work of art, rather than just something fluffy you put on to look like a sweet little sugar plum fairy? So I am not at all surprised, my darlings, to report that ballerinas at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and the Royal Opera House in London walked onto the stage wearing tutus unlike anything they had ever worn before! The fashion police were all a-fluster!

In Moscow, they’d replaced the usual white tutus – the ones we all associate with swan lake, darling – with creations of glorious, jewel toned colour. My word, it was positively dazzling. Imagine, a scarlet red tutu! A peacock blue! A lavender that looked almost like moonlight on a frosty day. Stunning! And at the Royal Opera House, well, it was something else entirely. The London girls ditched the tutus altogether, darling! Well, kind of! Imagine, a single, exquisite silk flower. No! Not just any silk flower but an origami crane, held aloft with perfect balance as a tiny tiara in each ballerina’s hair. And the leotards? They were covered in shimmering rhinestones in shades of every hue! They’re looking like rock stars, but elegant. The fashion bloggers are beside themselves! Who would’ve thought, darling? Ballet going all high fashion?!

And while I absolutely adore the bold, brave new tutu, some in the dance world weren’t quite so thrilled. There have been murmurings about how it is all just a fleeting fashion moment that will be quickly forgotten! But honestly, darling, what’s to forget?! We’ve seen these traditional tutus for as long as time, or at least as long as Swan Lake! But darling, why can’t ballet evolve? If you ask me, it is about time someone shook things up in this age old, but rather sleepy world, of classical ballet! A touch of extravagance, some sass, some whimsy, well why not? What is ballet, if it is not an expression of beauty, creativity and… dare I say it… a bit of “umph”!

But let’s take a closer look at how the ballerinas themselves feel. One ballerina in Moscow told me she feels it is like a brand new chapter for ballet, a time when the tutu is allowed to stand alone, a symbol of the dance, not something meant to just look pretty. "This is the future!" she said! And let’s face it, if a ballerina says she likes it, we have to agree! The London ballerina told me the new look makes her feel liberated! “Finally, our leotards are no longer hiding, they’re bursting with glamour!” The ballerina’s feelings, my darlings, is what it’s all about, And their opinions? Well, they’re perfectly poised!

Here’s the truth about these brave new tutus, they aren’t just a new look. They represent change, darling, they show a confidence and they scream "we are modern ballerinas in the modern world." And this is no fashion fad! It’s a shift. It’s a change. It’s a step towards progress in the world of ballet and darling, who doesn’t like that?!

Let’s see if these “revolutionaries” stick to their new style but in the meantime, my darlings, get your own tutu ready. There will be a new ballet show in London on Tuesday! They’re asking everyone to join in a tutu parade – and darling – wouldn’t you want to join in?! Just let me know if you’re interested. The only things that matter, my darlings are your creativity, a bit of daring and, of course, the tutu itself. We might all be embracing the classic white and pink ones just a little less these days – so if you’ve got one that is lavender or crimson red – that will be perfect. And for the rest? Well, we’ll get crafty. A single silk flower – I do love that idea! And those jeweled leotards? They sound sensational! So, put on your ballet slippers, my darlings, and be prepared to make a bit of a fuss… and don’t worry, I will!

So here's what we know so far:

  • Ballet is getting a bit "umph"
  • Ballerinas are wearing colourful tutus
  • The tutu is no longer “just fluffy”
  • London ballerinas ditch the tutus – and are covered in rhinestones!
  • The dance world is talking!
  • You’ve got to grab your tutu!