
Tutu and Ballet News

Dearest readers,

It's been a long, hot summer, haven't you just been dreaming of the crisp, cool air of an autumn ballet season? But fear not! Here at The Pointe, we're ready to inject some sparkle and joy into your summer, even if the only place you're performing is in your own living room! And speaking of performing in the living room, I simply must know, darling, which one of these iconic looks have you chosen for your living room performances?

Let's discuss a few ballet essentials that should be included in every ballerinas wardrobe!

Why a leotard is your BFF

First of all, darling, let's talk leotards. This is truly an essential. The key to looking chic is picking the right one. Your classic black leotard, oh it is an essential. As elegant as a Little Black Dress, it's a staple you can wear for practice, rehearsals and even, dare I say, a casual afternoon brunch (with some clever layering of course). And of course, who doesn't love a little bit of pink? There's something undeniably chic and adorable about a pink leotard, especially the soft, romantic hues like pale rose or blush. Pink is always going to be in. Think of pink, like champagne or pearls: always, always, always going to be relevant.

**When tutus are just for fun**

The iconic tutu, a garment so full of whimsy and grace, so full of drama and joy. Let's be honest darling, when it comes to tutus, most of us are not wearing them in a professional, demanding, "take me to the Bolshoi" scenario, are we? For the average dancer, this is a piece we get to truly embrace and make ours. Think outside the box, darling. Are we wearing the perfect pristine white tutu with a splash of sparkle? Perhaps we are choosing the romantic soft pale pink, with tiers upon tiers of chiffon. Who knows what your own creative, whimsical expression will be! Whatever we choose, embrace it fully, let it float and dance in the air around us. Imagine those frills dancing in a little breeze, they are simply irresistible, not to mention that they are a wonderful way to add a dash of whimsy and elegance to your own dance, even in the confines of your home. They make any move feel like something special. Imagine it, even just practicing plies in your "at home" studio (the living room!), it suddenly becomes something exciting. I just feel this incredible joy with my little pink tulle dancing around my legs, the fabric fluttering just so. It just brings a smile to my face, it is incredibly charming. Even if nobody else is seeing it.

Pink? Yes! White? Obviously! But always consider your body type

Speaking of colour, are we going for the classical white tutu? It will certainly never fail, a safe bet, and for a certain, ethereal look, unmatched, a classic. However, pink! This adds a more fun, vibrant, energetic mood to things, more for your at home performance! Think ballet on your sofa in the most chic way possible! Do you find that the classic pink is just a tad too...loud for you? No worries! As in most fashion situations, dear readers, I advise you to consider your body type, the look you're going for, and maybe what you think suits you best, most of all, what are you comfortable in, how can you get to express yourself! I always think you can never go wrong with a little pink or a crisp white for your ballet skirt. But at the end of the day, choose what makes you feel the most gorgeous and confident. We can't let anybody tell us what to do when it comes to tutus, my dear friends. There is something magical in that fluffy cloud of a tutu! And honestly darling, doesn't it make any basic plie, tendu or chaines feel ten times more exciting when you're dancing in a pink or white tulle!

Now, I know many of you, my fellow ballet-loving friends, might have some very strong thoughts and opinions on the colour choices of leotards, tutus and tights and shoes (are we black or pink, are we leather or canvas). Don't fret, my dears! Your unique choice is what matters most! If it brings joy to your dancing heart, go for it! Remember, dear friends, itโ€™s not always about having the most expensive, fancy or even the most expensive leotard. Just enjoy your love for dance! Go out there, practice, feel amazing and enjoy this time to yourself, and if you need a little extra confidence? Just remember that tutu or pink leotard is waiting! And when your hair's styled in that chic ballet bun and your face is sporting some makeup, it will feel amazing! Dance until you feel joy, because you absolutely deserve to.

Have you tried these simple things that make you feel elegant at home? Share your own dance routines or ideas in the comments! Letโ€™s start a discussion, dear reader, tell us how you enjoy these magical ballet items and how they are making you smile!

And as always, until next time, darling, dance with style!