
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, gather ā€™round, because itā€™s time for a little gossip! Itā€™s August 12th, 1996, and as you know, dear readers, the world of ballet is just bursting with excitement. Itā€™s not just the swan lakes and nutcrackers that keep things bubbling. No, darling, the real drama is in the tutus and the leotards.

Well, honey, you wonā€™t believe this. You see, yesterday I was enjoying a rather delicious cappuccino at the Royal Opera House when I overheard a whispered conversation between two prima ballerinas, who shall remain nameless, darling.

Turns out thereā€™s a fierce competition brewing between two of the most iconic ballet companies. The Royal Ballet and the Paris Opera Ballet, darlings! Apparently, thereā€™s been a whole lot of back-stabbing, whispered insults, and enough shade thrown to cover a whole field of ballerinas in pink tutus (and letā€™s be honest, we all know thatā€™s a lot of shade).

But the real reason for all this fuss, you ask? The upcoming seasonā€™s costume designer, my dears! You see, both ballet companies want to be the first to boast the newest collection of leotards and tutus from the oh-so-fashionable House of DeValois. It seems their creations are as intricate as a ballet arabesque, just with more sequins. And, of course, everyone wants a piece of that shimmer and shine.

I do believe that both companies want to showcase a very particular shade of white for their tutus. This shade, apparently, makes each ballerina look as though they are about to melt into the stage lighting! It sounds absolutely breathtaking, and apparently, it has been nicknamed ā€œAngel's Breathā€ which is just far too divine for words!

But dear readers, the rivalry isn't only limited to these esteemed dance companies. Rumour has it, and don't tell anyone, but our favourite ballet blogger, the fabulously fabulous Beatrice Bloom, has had her sights set on a pink tutu. Now, don't think she's just doing this to fit in with the trend (itā€™s so passĆ©, darling!). This pink tutu has a backstory, you see. Itā€™s said to have been owned by a legendary ballerina who has now sadly retired, so it's an absolute treasure! Apparently, Beatrice wants to be seen in it at a charity gala in September, honey, just so she can get her own version of those fabulous photos on social media - you know, the kind where the ballerina looks super chic and angelic!

Now, what are the key trends you should be watching for?

  • The ā€œAngel's Breathā€ white is just the first whisper. Don't be surprised to see a whole rainbow of pastel shades hitting the stage soon. I wouldn't be surprised if "Baby Blue Ballet" was the next trend.
  • You know that feather boa your aunt always uses? It's back, darling. Yes, feathers are coming to the ballet! We'll be seeing fluffy, feathery embellishments everywhere - from headbands to pointe shoes to those luscious pink tutus - even more glamour than a drag queen at the annual ball!

Oh darling, I just love it! You see, there is nothing quite so delightful as a good old-fashioned fashion face-off, particularly when those competing are wearing ballet tutus and leotards. You know me - I can never resist a good story about tutus, leotards, and a touch of fashion rivalry! After all, isnā€™t this why we love ballet?

So keep those eyes peeled, darling, because the ballet world is about to explode with fashion and frivolity! Who knows, the next big trend might even come from those fierce prima ballerinas, all done up in their oh-so-fashionable leotards and tutus!

But you already know who I will be at the first gala night at the Royal Opera House with those angel-soft tutus, sipping Champagne from my custom-designed tiara. Until then darling! Ciao!