Tutu and Ballet News

It’s official, ladies, ballet is having a moment. The moment has actually been happening for quite some time, what with the whole *Black Swan* thing and everyone being obsessed with the graceful, lithe, and slightly tortured dancers who leap about with the grace of swans and the power of tigers. But we've had enough of the angst and the angst-ridden, haven’t we? What we really want is all the glitter and none of the tears, the grand jetĂ© and none of the heartbreak. So let’s move away from the grim, bleak realities of life in a ballet school and turn our attention to something truly inspiring - **tutus.**

Yes, those pretty, poofy skirts that make our hearts flutter like we’re back in the sixth grade and just heard “Kiss Me Quick” at a school disco, but also so much more. And honestly, you could do worse for a source of inspiration. The sheer volume of creativity that can go into creating such a deceptively simple, yet powerful, fashion piece should not be underestimated.

It is the ballerina’s trademark garment. There would be no Swan Lake, no Coppelia, no Giselle without a tutu. And there would certainly be no **#tutugirls** or **#tutugasm**, and no social media hashtag should ever be underestimated when considering how to make a cultural shift.

In fact, the **tutu**, far from being the fluffy emblem of an elite, uptight world of tiny shoes and disciplined lives, is now a powerful statement. Like, the ultimate **girl power statement**, darling.

What are you thinking, darling? Like, this is fashion? This is serious art. I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn't serious. I am a serious art writer and tutu enthusiast and this is no fad, though perhaps I do go over the top at times.

Forget fashion blogs and influencers, the *real* stars of this cultural movement are the tutus. And they’ve had quite a career trajectory so far. Like, from their rather severe origins in Victorian times, to their glorious moment in the sun during the classical ballet period, to their later reimagining as the perfect accessory for, well, pretty much everything (sorry but that just won’t do).

Yes, our tutus have been subjected to some questionable design choices along the way, with designers of yore trying their luck at reimagining this sacred garment with unfortunate results. Just like the whole *The King and I* thing? Those costumes really just don’t make a lot of sense. And then you’ve got those unfortunate *Nutcracker* productions
 you get the picture. Some days are good, some days are bad, right? You’ve got the tutus that look like they came from a Victorian dress shop, or like a naughty little fairy. But what has actually really made a real difference?

Actually, it was the fashion world, who have always known a good idea when they saw one. And they, rather cheekily, decided to make the tutu theirs, embracing all the fluffy potential for all things glittery and glamorous.

There’s a new wave of ballerinas who are taking this to another level: wearing **tutus** and **leotards** as everyday outfits. Ballet-wear as streetwear? Totally possible. Ballet-inspired athleisure? This is how you *live your best life* ! It's like a modern-day version of *Ballet For The Masses*! You should see it. These ballerina girls, they know exactly what they're doing! They know what works. And what's working? It’s not your mum’s *Ballet Shoes*. It’s a powerful, sexy, and elegant look. It’s ballet, with an edge.

Just imagine the tutus you can pull off this fall.
  • Think **white tutus** - all white everything (we are talking about shoes and socks, too!). Pair it with a structured jacket or, for something with more **street cred**, a classic white or black blazer. Don’t be afraid to add some edgy accessories - a chunky gold necklace, silver bracelets. Remember - you need something **serious**. Remember the power.
  • The **pink tutu**. Oh darling. The pink tutu will forever and a day hold a special place in our heart - let’s face it, every little girl at one point dreamed of wearing one - so you know it will never go out of style. The colour **pink** is feminine, girly and absolutely timeless.
  • There’s also **the little black tutu**, or **the long tutu** . The **tutu** with a cool edge, the **tutu** you might wear to the next ballet party or club you’re off to on a Friday night, or if you’re really feeling bold, to the opera.

Think ballet but not boring. This isn’t a *tutti-frutti* moment - we’re talking fashion, darlings.

To prove to the world just how chic this fashion trend really is, I would suggest you join me in our ***Tutu Revolution**. Just like in those films, where we need to take over the world. But here, we are going to make a new ballet world, which might just be as glamorous as the one we imagine and with none of the emotional baggage.

Oh darling, if you’ve been reading this with a serious, furrowed brow and muttering to yourself how *unrealistic* or *unprofessional* or *impossible* or “*utter nonsense*, this is just not a thing,” then, I would say you’re just missing out. **Step it up, girl. Join me.** This is fashion, darling. And like anything else, you gotta know how to wear it, with some panache.