
Tutu and Ballet News

27 November 1996: Tutus & Tantrums: A Ballerina's Guide to Navigating Life's Little 'Pas de Deux'

Darling, let's talk about tutus. They're not just a fashion statement. They're a lifestyle, an attitude, a statement. Think of the tutu like the ultimate accessory โ€“ it transforms you. Imagine yourself swanning about a ballet studio, that delicate layer of tulle swirling around your perfectly toned legs, a whisper of a silk leotard caressing your, let's say, interesting curves (we've all got them). It's all so elegant, isn't it? Until the inevitable happens, and the dreaded 'tutu-tangle' strikes!

Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Why oh why, can't these things just stay in place?' You see, my darling, a ballerina's life is full of unexpected twists and turns, much like a tutu caught in the crosswinds of a particularly vigorous pirouette. A fellow dancer, dear Patricia, once confided that her tutu actually got caught on the chandelier during a particularly thrilling finale. Let's just say the whole thing had the audience holding their breath, but not for the usual reasons.

The good news? You're not alone in this delightful struggle! In fact, the "tutu-tangle" is an art form, a challenge, a tiny battle fought in the war for elegance. Here are my little tips, inspired by the best โ€“ and the worst โ€“ moments of my own life (and some of them truly were *bad*).

Tackling the Tutu Tangle

  • Go For the Classics: Pink or white, my dear! Never, ever underestimate the power of a classic tutu. They're just the right amount of dramatic without making you feel like a (heaven forbid) "cheap ballerina" or an 'aunty-at-the-disco.' Think of yourself as a swan, delicate yet powerful, graceful, but ready to break necks (figuratively of course!).
  • Pinning It Down: If you're ever caught in the "tutu-tangle" during a performance, do not panic. Keep it chic. Remember that bobby pins, your new best friend, are vital! You know those delicate little pins you get in a box of a thousand? Stock up on them and thank me later. It's a dancer's emergency stash.
  • Layers and Layers: Ever heard the saying 'The more, the merrier?' It's not just for festive seasons, honey, it's also for tutus. The trick? Layering tulle creates that voluminous look without looking like you've borrowed fabric from your granny's sewing kit.
  • Be Prepared, my Dear: Invest in a proper tutu stand! You see, darling, there are more ballet casualties caused by collapsing 'tuturobes' than you can possibly imagine. Get a proper one with plenty of storage space. Trust me on this. Your dance life will be infinitely less traumatic, just like your wardrobe.
  • Keep It Moving! Movement is a ballerina's lifeblood, and there is nothing more beautiful than a dancer moving gracefully with their tutu trailing like a magical halo behind them. So keep twirling, keep leaping, and keep smiling. After all, darling, we're all stars, shining bright!

Life After Tutu-Tangles

Of course, darling, a life filled with tutus and tangles isn't without its, shall we say, *exhilarations*? Let's just say some performances are more memorable than others. Now, here's a tale to tell! Imagine this - it was during a performance of *Swan Lake* when my, *ahem* *excessive* twirling (we all have our weaknesses, darling) caused the bottom layer of my tutu to suddenly come undone, landing rather dramatically at my feet mid-pose.

Thankfully, I was a ballerina and not an astronaut - there was a graceful, somewhat slinky-like, retrieval of said tulle layer, which, much to my surprise and the crowd's audible sigh, only increased the theatricality of the scene. It turned out, however, to be an unplanned but much applauded 'ballet faux pas' that almost outdid the rest of the production (don't tell anyone I told you this - let's just say I won 'Most Dramatic Exit' that night!).

So what's a ballerina to do in these precarious situations?

My dears, you've just got to laugh it off! Keep your poise. Remember: "it's all part of the show," which I found rather fitting for a "swan's life." Now go on, go out there, put on your most gorgeous tutu, grab that satin slipper and enjoy the drama, because at the end of the day, dear friends, a bit of tulle is a very small price to pay for a world of elegance.