Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers, I'm just back from the most extraordinary day at the Royal Ballet! Can you believe it's nearly Christmas already? Time really does fly when you're twirling. Anyway, the reason I'm practically vibrating with excitement is because of this absolutely bonkers event that happened during today's rehearsals for The Nutcracker. Oh, it's truly something else!

The morning started as usual – the smell of wood polish and hairspray in the air, a sea of pale pink tutus rustling like a swarm of agitated butterflies. And of course, the constant clip-clop of the ballerinas' pointe shoes, that hypnotic beat of ballet. But things took a decidedly strange turn during the scene with the sugarplum fairy.

Now, everyone knows about the traditional white tutu for this part, right? All fluffy and elegant, like a cloud. But today, our darling Sugarplum fairy (I do love a bit of drama, so we'll just call her ‘Suki’) had a little wardrobe malfunction, shall we say. Instead of the elegant white, she emerged wearing a bright pink, frilly, very '80s tutu – like something out of a cheesy stage school production of *Swan Lake*. And don't even get me started on the matching leggings! Imagine a pink sparkly Lycra dreamscape, right? It was like Suki had raided her childhood dance costume drawer, the one with the embarrassing relics, and decided to embrace the cringe.

But darling, it gets even better! In true dramatic fashion, as she pirouetted onto the stage (yes, she absolutely committed, brave soul!), a single, pink feathered boa unfurled itself from under her tutu. Picture it, a majestic white swan turned into a flamboyant flamingo. The entire company gasped. Even the conductor, who’s usually the picture of composure, nearly choked on his baton. It was utter pandemonium! But you know what? Suki didn't flinch! She did a fabulous fouetté with this outrageous plumage trailing behind her. The audience went wild!

So, dear readers, you know me, always a sucker for the bizarre, the unexpected, the frankly ludicrous, this was ballet gold! The room erupted in cheers - everyone except the headmistress, who apparently had the temerity to frown. She wasn’t very amused, that one, I can tell you. She looked about ready to banish Suki to the barre for a whole week! But the rest of the company, the other ballerinas, the corps de ballet – they all joined in, chuckling and even clapping along to the ridiculousness of it all. They, like me, understood that this was one for the books, something to be recounted at countless after-work cocktails for years to come!

A little bird tells me this was a rogue boa – someone had a bit too much fun at a fancy-dress party and got carried away! The culprit is, of course, under strict, yet hilarious, investigation, but who knows, perhaps Suki might just adopt the feathered addition into her new act. What could possibly be more eye-catching than a pink feathered swan with ‘80s glitter and a seriously glamorous aura? It’s almost a statement!

In all seriousness, what I loved about this incident was the way everyone laughed – it broke the ice, it made everyone remember that even with all those fancy costumes, all the rigorous training, all the demanding steps, at the heart of it, ballet is just about joy and passion. And, darling, there is no joy quite like a big, embarrassing spectacle.

I think Suki might just win Christmas!

Here are a few thoughts I wanted to share: *

I have always adored those iconic white tutus - they are a symbol of ballet. So classic. But, after witnessing Suki's performance, I've gained a whole new respect for those '80s pink beauties!


Perhaps I’ll add a fluffy pink boa to my own collection. Let’s just hope I have Suki’s swagger, because a pink feathered boa is not for the faint-hearted!


There's something thrilling about unexpected events on stage. And a pink, feathery spectacle certainly keeps you on the edge of your seat. Just what we need at a time of year when we could all use a good dose of sparkle and surprises.

Stay sparkly, my dears!