
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, the humanity! Or rather, the tutu-ity! It seems the world of ballet is in an uproar, dear readers, over a shocking revelation: pink tutus are officially "out."

That's right, the delicate, feminine symbol of ballerinas everywhere, that symbol of grace, precision, andā€¦let's be honestā€¦the endless supply of tulle needed for even a decent-sized poof, has fallen victim to fashion's fickle whims. Apparently, according to the latest "fashion decree" (don't even get me started on thoseā€¦) white tutus are all the rage now.

Imagine the outrage, darling! It's enough to make you want to pirouette right out of your slippers!

The rumour mill started swirling this past week when renowned choreographer, Alistair "The Ace" Ashford, revealed that he'd ban pink tutus from his upcoming production of "Swan Lake." Ace, never one to shy away from controversy (especially when it involves ruffles), told the Daily Gazette, "Pink tutus areā€¦so last year. Frankly, they've become overplayed, predictable, and let's face it, a tad too saccharine. We need a new vision, a more refined aesthetic. White tutusā€¦well, they represent purity, elegance, and sophistication."

Let's be honest, dear readers, white tutusā€¦ they do give off that ā€œballet as a noble art" vibe, if you catch my drift. They're classic, they're timeless, they're the epitome of "ballet as high art."

But I've gotta askā€¦ haven't we all secretly enjoyed a bit of the blush-worthy drama pink brings to the stage? A touch of feminine mischief, a hint of sultriness. After all, even our most legendary ballerinas (I'm talking Anna Pavlova, the ultimate icon, *glancing suggestively*), even they had a weakness for pinkā€¦ And was the world a less elegant place for it?

Now, you might be thinking, "Hold on a minute, why the dramatic announcement?" Is this just a marketing stunt by Ace? To stir up the public? Of course, the ballet world, for all its delicate grace, is always rife with drama! And Ace has never been afraid to stir the potā€¦he did, after all, cause a near-riot when he put sequined leotards on male dancers in his rendition of "Coppelia.ā€ (Oh, those sequins! So very fabulous.)

Whatā€™s causing the tutu turmoil this time? Well, we may have the *real* source of the shift in style. The esteemed ballerina, Dame Felicity Fitzwilliam, announced just days before the ā€œSwan Lakeā€ kerfuffle that she was switching her own brand to " exclusivement whiteā€ - as a tribute to, you guessed it, ā€œthe ethereal nature of dance." And now, just about every brand associated with dance has followed suit, from "Dance World" ( the *high* end retailer that has never met a tulle they didn't adore) to "Leotard Central" ( you know, the shop you find next to a DIY store.) Even "Little Dancer's Shoppe," the shop every mum *thinks* they need to spend a kingā€™s ransom in ( even though a plain white leotard costs exactly as much from every brand), have hopped on the bandwagon.

"My dear, they call it ā€œ*ethereal.* *ā€ *whispers* Iā€™d call it an expensive trend and *every* boutique is now clamouring to make it clear that their white tutus are even *more* *ethereal* than every other one."

Butā€¦ here's the catch: where will this leave those ballerinas, those tiny stars, who are currently enrolled in the *pink* tutu classes in "Pink Pointe," the highly selective ballet academy for pre-professionals (that charges *the* *most*)? Will they be banned from ever performing professionally because of a colour clash?

And what about the parents of these future dancers? The moms (mostly moms, ballet mums are *serious* *about* *their* *daughters* *dances*) are going to *lose it*ā€¦ And with their daughters being taught everything from the importance of *placement* to *placement* *cost*, the mere mention of colour choices is likely to trigger a level of ballet mum outrage we havenā€™t seen since ā€œPink Pointeā€ changed their opening hours without warning!

This new *white* craze just might have sent ripples through the very foundations of the dance world!

You can count on us, my darling readers, to follow this developing story like a "petit allegro" in 3/4 time. Weā€™ll be back with the very latest news from the world of *pink* *and* *white* *tutus*! Stay tuned...and may the most ethereal one win!