Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, gather 'round! The Christmas spirit is truly upon us. You can practically smell the sugarplums in the air and the sound of those jingle bells has set our toes a-tapping! Today, darlings, is the 24th of December, 1996, and I have news, a real scandal, a fashion faux pas of epic proportions – one that will shake the ballet world to its very core! Are you ready for it, dears?

Hold onto your feather boas because rumour has it, *whisper it, darlings*, rumour has it that the renowned Royal Ballet has committed a fashion crime of the highest order. **Imagine, darlings! A crime committed not on stage, but on the very ballet floor!** They’ve replaced the pristine, the impossibly elegant, **white tutus** with, wait for it…**pink tutus!** * gasp, darlings, gasp!*

You can hear the tutting all over London! (Don’t you just love a good pun, darlings?) What madness! Has the Royal Ballet succumbed to the horrors of colour trends? A crime against artistry, I say, and a travesty of classic fashion! Think of the tradition, the centuries of ballerinas flitting across stages in the hallowed **white** - it’s iconic, it's symbolic of purity and grace! Now it's gone! Poof, disappeared, and in its place, pink.

Pink, darlings! Isn’t that a little…girly? A tad saccharine for the ballet? One can't imagine a "Swan Lake" with pink swans or "Giselle" with a pink tutu... *Shudders dramatically* it’s simply unthinkable! We know, of course, that white is not a *natural* colour in nature, yet it somehow became the natural choice for ballet, and now, *gasp,* this betrayal of the white tutu... *shakes head in disappointment*.

And it’s not just the tutu! Word has it, the ballet is introducing **pink leotards**, too! Pink leotards, darlings! The leotard is the foundation, the essential underpinning of every ballerina’s look. It should be a discreet base layer, unseen and uncelebrated, like a good corset – hidden beneath layers of beautiful dancewear, but, **Pink leotards!** Can you believe it? This is madness! **Where is the poise? Where is the elegant restraint?**

I can just imagine the poor ballerinas backstage, wrestling with pink leotards, a hot blush spreading across their faces. The *prima ballerinas*, *pas de deux* with *pink* **tu-tus!** It is just...simply unacceptable! Can’t they see this is a recipe for disaster, for wardrobe malfunctions? They need the traditional white leotard, the pure white to complement that ethereal and iconic **white tutu.** It’s timeless, dears, just like a Chanel suit. And why this pink hue of all colours, darlings? This is no mere whimsical trend! There's a reason, I'm telling you, why this has been chosen. And until I have the answers to this mystery, *my* fingers are firmly placed on the pulse of London's most scandalous fashion debate!

Now, for those of you not familiar with ballet (and why aren’t you, darlings? I really should have a stern word with you! ), you’re probably thinking, “well, this pink business seems harmless enough,” and *you*, darling, couldn’t be more wrong! The tutu and leotard are more than mere dance attire; they are cultural statements, art icons. Think of *tutus* as a masterpiece painted on a canvas of flowing, delicate fabric – the artist's vision should be expressed on the purest white!

Don’t get me wrong, dear reader. I'm all for a bit of sparkle, a dash of whimsy! Think shimmering silk gowns for a ballet or some fabulous sequined fabric for the "Sleeping Beauty" scenes. But a **pink tutu!** It's simply a disgrace! Let’s be clear, *we’re* not talking about just any pink tutu! This is not that sugary confection pink one might find at the theatre when *they*’ve put on a "Barbie" musical. This is, supposedly, a sophisticated pink – something called ‘rosewood.’ But who is to judge the colour, really? It is pink and not the elegant *white* that we deserve! What does rosewood even mean, darlings? You cannot get more pink than that! What does this *rosewood* even say? Is this some attempt to capture some "boho chic," some contemporary "fashion vibe?" Oh, I dare not speculate!

Some people think ballet is all just about those dainty little tutus and a few elegant leaps and spins - the glamour! Don’t be ridiculous, darling! That’s just what they see on stage. It's a discipline, an art form, with such immense, powerful potential. And, I would say, an extremely tasteful history as well. It has always been about **refined** movement, the expression of emotion through precise artistry. I mean, even the choreography is based on the body’s ability to bend, twist, and flow in specific ways! Every gesture must be calculated, every flick of the wrist deliberate!

Think of the greats: the grace of Nijinsky, the power of Baryshnikov, the utter beauty and emotional nuance of Pavlova. Did you ever imagine them dancing in **pink tutus?** You can’t see those powerful, graceful movements – the *corps de ballet* spinning across the stage – in those vulgarly *pink* tu-tus. **Imagine, darlings, the carnage!** It would be an insult to the artistry. It’s an affront to history, a disrespect to the traditions of this noble form, a tragedy, I tell you. And it's all thanks to a splash of pink. The audacity! A *pink* tutu on *the Royal Ballet stage* *laughs uncontrollably*.

This, darlings, is the day we are to *remember.* This is the Christmas season for ballet's most controversial event yet. And how, my darlings, will this end? Can ballet weather this shocking, appalling, dreadful change? How will history remember this day, this fashion faux pas, this moment when pink dared to conquer white, the timeless ballet classic? Will our ballet history textbooks only recount stories of the glorious, pristine, *classic white*?

You see, darlings, **ballet is sacred. Ballet is classic.** If this trend takes hold, we've entered a world where the once majestic *swan* dances with *pink* feathers. The consequences could be catastrophic, darlings! Let’s pray, *darlings*, for a swift end to this pink debacle! It's almost too dreadful to even consider!

**Now go forth, darlings!** Spread the word about this tragic betrayal, tell your fellow ballet lovers about this heinous, disastrous development. And pray to the dance gods that sanity prevails! This is a war for the souls of the art, my dears. Let’s hope the traditional *white* triumphs, so that one day our ballerinas may wear their beautiful tutus with dignity and respect again! **May the best colour win!** Happy holidays, my loves.