
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers,

The news is abuzz, a real **frisson** in the air, all thanks to the news that **The Royal Ballet** has declared this very day - January 5th, 1997 - a day of "Tutu-morphosis!" What does that even *mean* you ask? Oh, darling, you haven't *lived* until you've witnessed a true **Tutu-morphosis!**

Apparently, a team of highly skilled (and completely bonkers, frankly) **costume designers** have concocted an audacious scheme, an absolute **revolution** in the world of dance, a *Tutu-morphosis* if you will...they've dared to redesign, yes redesigned, the iconic tutu!

For decades, darling, we've all been content with the same **pink** and **white** numbers, yes? Classic, perfectly chic... but oh, my dears, SO predictable! Like a worn-out pair of dancing slippers. *Snore*.

So this team of *Tutu-tastic* designers (let's call them "The Tutu Brigade," shall we?) have, dare I say it, **completely turned the tables!** No more predictable **pink**, no more delicate, *oh so tired*, **white.** No, no. Think **vibrant shades** darling. Imagine **shocking coral**, **emerald green** tutus swishing across the stage, creating **eye-popping** patterns and dazzling the audience!

And **let's not forget the leotards!** Oh darling, you have to see these. Leotards adorned with **shimmering sequins**, *glitz*, *glam* and, dare I say it, *a hint of punk* - studded leotards! Yes! The *Tutu Brigade* has **taken inspiration** from all corners of fashion. Imagine the daring contrast: a vibrant emerald green tutu and a **leather**, studded black leotard? Now *that's* what I call a **Tutu-morphosis!**

This new direction, *Tutu-morphosis*, will be unveiled at the **Royal Ballet's New Year's Gala** tonight! Darling, you can be sure my diary's packed tight!

Will **Dame Margaret**, ever the style icon, approve? Will these audacious designers become **dance legends**, or be *hooted off the stage*? Oh, I can't even *imagine* the *gossip*. Will the new "Tutu Brigade" transform the world of dance?

Get your **opera glasses** at the ready, darling!

Stay tuned. You'll have the scoop on this sensational *Tutu-morphosis* as soon as it's happened, direct from yours truly, right here.

Yours truly,

- **The Ballet Whisperer**