
Tutu and Ballet News

Well darlings, itā€™s November the 13th 1996, and we're back for another week of all things tutu and tiara, of course, because let's face it, ballet is a glamorous business. As ever, we've been sniffing around the ballet scene, tapping into the zeitgeist to bring you the juiciest of gossips and the most exquisite ballet news from right here in good old Blighty!

Now, darling, I know what you're thinking. November the 13th, dreary old November... Who can be bothered with ballet in November? It's too cold! It's too dark! But, darling, don't you fret! November is the month for some seriously spectacular dance events. Iā€™m talking **Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake**, darling. There are going to be so many exquisite, ethereal swans gracing the stages this month and what could be better? The ballet's romantic tragedy perfectly captures the essence of autumn. Donā€™t forget the tragic heroine in the **white tutu** - there is literally no better opportunity for a little emotional drama! I'll admit it ā€“ November is practically screaming for swan lake in the big city, especially if you can find one with some real drama!

But darling, there is so much more to ballet than just tragic heroines in white tutus! There's the fun and the excitement of it all, and whatā€™s more fun and exciting than **pink tutus**, darling? Well, nothing. And if there was, you wouldn't want it anyway.

So darling, let's have a bit of fun and dissect some ballet newsā€¦ and if that means tutus, tutus, tutus, well then let's give the people what they want!

Right then, first on our agenda...

Ballet's Latest Scandal - Tutu Tales!

Hold onto your pointe shoes, darling, because this is big. News has reached my desk that there is some *serious* drama going down in the ballet world this month. It's the biggest ballet scandal since the *Swan Lake* of '93... and it's all about the tutus! Apparently thereā€™s some sort of disagreement brewing behind the scenes at the Royal Opera House. The Royal Ballet, the heart of British dance! The drama? Well it's pretty explosive. It seems the ballet company is at odds with their costume mistress over a rather, shall we say, ā€œoutdatedā€ tutu design. There's talk of **ā€œoutdated fashion sense,ā€** a **"crisis of confidence,"** and even a **"lack of imagination"** thrown into the mix, darling! Honestly. As a seasoned dancer and ballet aficionado, this is enough to make even me blushā€¦ well maybe not!

What is the source of all this tututu commotion? Well darling, I can tell you it all started with a new production of **Giselle**, and the tutu designs are pretty dramatic. Now darling, I am all for some exquisite and theatrical costumes... especially if they are to go with one of the classics - Giselle has the right mix of tragedy and beauty to carry it! - But the design in question apparently had some very "risky" details which led to one of the prima ballerinas fainting right in the middle of her performance! A very unfortunate series of events. All the excitement? - she blamed it all on her tutu! Now who can blame her, right? We have all been there. Well darling, not *quite* there! The good news is that she seems to be well - which weā€™re thankful for ā€“ sheā€™s been resting. So for those of you still following me (it's been a big week for backstage gossip) it seems like the tutu is, for now at least, being redesigned for the next performance. No more faints ā€“ for now.

Let me be absolutely clear - tutus are sacred in the world of ballet - but for a costume to be so distracting, that a ballerina feels the need to faint right on stage during a show? - thatā€™s a big no-no. Not a great advert for the tutu - especially a **pink tutu** darling ā€“ especially when the design was supposed to showcase her **beautiful figure and legs!** That's all about **fashion**, darling.

Let's Move to a More Lighthearted Subject. We'll go for something with less Drama... Something about a Competition

Well darling, who wants to stay grounded with these gloomy subjects. As you know I believe that Ballet is all about art and beauty, so I thought we could look to some happier times and whatā€™s more joyful than a competition. Now Iā€™m not talking about some **ballet school recital** of little girls doing *tiny* arabesques. No darlings, Iā€™m talking about an International competition. Let's all remember the "Grand Prix," that glamorous and important competition, the *most* glamorous one of all ā€“ that's what I'm talking about, darlings! But no more of this dreary reality! I can barely look at it!

From Competition, to Dancing at Home: Ballet At Home!

Oh darling, the *Grand Prix* competition - all that glitz, glamour, and incredible artistry! Honestly, you just need to take one look at the stunning photographs and itā€™s enough to bring the drama and glitz to your life. Iā€™ve heard from our sources in the competitionā€™s production team, that they are preparing to really pull out all the stops to impress this year, theyā€™re talking some very bold and risky outfits. Maybe some **white tutus with a more modern take?** Or maybe something **new with lots of sparkle!** Whatever the outfit, it will be nothing short of magnificentā€¦

Itā€™s getting my toes tapping and my heart pounding! Oh the glamour, darlings - It gets me goingā€¦ so much so, that I think Iā€™m going to find out what else is happening out in the ballet world, in the heart of Britainā€™s beautiful country towns... Iā€™m looking for a ballet show I can see tomorrow. Well, darling - what do you say? Do we all put on our own dancing shoes and prepare ourselves for an evening of beautiful art? It's what all those famous and influential figures of the dance world would do and they all know so much more about dance than us, darlingā€¦ right?

Well, darling, if you do, remember to tell us all about itā€¦ weā€™d all love to hear all about it.

Just remember darlings: Ballet - the most fabulous, fun, artistic activity, no matter what they say! Thereā€™s beauty, art and even scandal! We all want it. Itā€™s not just for the big and beautiful ballerinas. Ballet can be part of every part of life.

Until next time - Have fun darlings.