Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, gather round, my dears, for a story fit for the most glamorous of tea parties! It's the 21st of November 1996, and the ballet world is positively *a-flutter* with gossip – and not just about who wore it better on opening night, although, let's be honest, that's always a hot topic.

No, darlings, today we're talking about a crisis of *proportions* – a true *pas de deux* of sartorial chaos. Imagine this: the Royal Ballet is poised for its big opening, a breathtaking rendition of *Swan Lake* - pure, ethereal beauty, wouldn't you say? But the dancers... oh, the poor darlings, they're all in a right old tizz!

The culprit? The tutus, of course! Oh, you know, those frothy, delicate, **whisper it – pink!** – masterpieces. And wouldn't you know it, our darling ballerinas find themselves, well, let's say *slightly under-dressed.* Apparently, the shipment of those gorgeous, gossamer **pink** tutus from France, they were, shall we say, "lost in transit". The ones left behind were in...**white**! And the dear choreographer, a stickler for tradition and all things lovely, simply refuses to go on with the show!

Our dear girls, they're faced with a choice: don those perfectly lovely **white** tutus and face the music (metaphorically speaking, of course!), or… dare I suggest it, postpone the performance? Well, the latter option, my dears, would be an *unthinkable* disgrace! So, they’ve found a rather, er, “creative” solution.

The dancers are wearing their usual **white** leotards, and their undergarments are, for the most part, kept firmly under wraps – it wouldn’t do to have those delicate pieces of lace going AWOL mid-performance. A tiny white frill of tulle (rather cleverly fashioned from extra pieces of the remaining **white** tutus) is added to the usual attire – and then, for a touch of *sparkle*, and to honour tradition, a small *delicate* cluster of **pink** chiffon rosettes, all *carefully handcrafted* by the talented costume ladies, have been stitched strategically around the waist and skirt.

The look? It's a bit of a fashion Frankenstein – not entirely conventional, but still very pretty, a delicate blend of the *traditional and the nouveau.* You’d never know the actual **pink** tutus went AWOL, the result, all rather lovely in an, erm, slightly *eclectic* kind of way!

The performance was a smashing success, darlings! Not only that, but it launched a new ballet-themed trend that has spread across the nation like a rumour – the **Pink & White Swan Lake Dress**, perfect for a girls’ night out, the theatre or even a fancy dinner.

Some are calling it revolutionary. We think it’s fabulous. What say you? Now, don’t tell me you didn't have your eyes peeled for a spot of **pink** chiffon hidden in all the white ruffles this weekend! It’s simply darling, darlings. I *adore* a bit of unexpected colour, you know?