
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers,

Today marks a momentous occasion! Not only is it August the 11th, 1996, but it's the day that our beloved tutu took center stage ā€“ quite literally ā€“ in the grand ballroom of the Ritz Carlton. The occasion? A ball, my dears, a grand, glamorous ball thrown by the Society for the Preservation of the Tutu!

Let's be honest, the tutu has had a rough time in the media recently. We've seen it mocked, maligned, and even banished to the depths of the dance studio. But darling, this iconic piece of apparel deserves more! It's the quintessential symbol of elegance, grace, and just a touch of whimsical playfulness. It's what makes every pirouette a little more magical, every arabesque a little more daring. Itā€™s what elevates us all, and makes us feel like we're gliding across clouds!

So, imagine my excitement when I received my invitation to this most fabulous event! It arrived in a delicate, shimmering envelope, embellished with delicate silver feathers and a single, perfectly sculpted ballerina shoe. And the dress code? ā€œFestive Tutu Attireā€ - a dress code designed to make even the most reluctant souls embrace the sheer magic of the tutu!

As I stepped into the grand ballroom, my eyes widened in absolute delight! The room was aglow, a wonderland of crystal chandeliers and sparkling lights reflecting off every inch of shimmering fabric. It was truly a sight to behold, with attendees sporting tutus of all shapes and sizes, colours and designs. Some were classic and elegant, with layers of tulle cascading gracefully to the floor. Others were a tad more daring, sporting funky colours, sparkly sequins, and feathers galore! I even spotted a chap dressed as a very stylish, yet disgruntled looking, swan - clearly not a ballet fan.

The evening was a kaleidoscope of glitz and glamour, an unforgettable tribute to the tutu. A renowned Parisian confectioner had even created an entire selection of pastries shaped like tutus! One even featured a tiny chocolate swan! Absolutely delightful. And donā€™t even get me started on the delectable selection of champagne and canapes!

But of course, the true highlight of the night was the unveiling of the 'Tutu of the Year.' The finalists, chosen by an elite panel of renowned ballet critics and fashion icons, represented a cross-section of tutus that embraced tradition, while embracing the exciting and creative side of this most beloved garment. After a nail-biting competition, it was awarded to a spectacular multi-layered creation with shades of turquoise, azure, and pearl, studded with crystals!

The evening drew to a close with an electrifying performance by a group of talented dancers from the Royal Ballet. The dancers floated through a beautiful piece that combined classic ballets moves with contemporary styles, and they even included an absolutely heart-stopping grand finale with the winning tutu taking centre stage!

We may not be ballerinas ourselves, darling readers, but with the return of the tutu to our cultural consciousness, perhaps we can all find a bit of magic and whimsy within ourselves, perhaps even a touch of elegance! Embrace your inner diva, dare to be bold, and let your spirit soar ā€“ perhaps with a touch of sparkle!

After all, isnā€™t a bit of whimsy just what we all need? I say, let the tutus reign!

A look at the Society for the Preservation of the Tutuā€™s list of finalists for ā€œTutu of the Year:ā€
  • The Classic - A simple, elegant design in pristine white tulle with a touch of gold ribbon - very Swan Lake
  • The Contemporary - An explosion of vibrant, avant-garde fabrics with geometric shapes, layered textures, and unexpected colour combinations - perfect for a dance competition!
  • The Quirky - A whimsical creation in pink tulle with feathers and polka dots! And was that a feather boa and miniature top hat I spotted?
  • The Extravagant - An opulent garment, the ā€œSparkling Sunsetā€, with sparkling sequin embellishments that mirrored the shades of the setting sun
  • The Royal - Inspired by Queen Victoria and crafted in shades of midnight blue and shimmering gold - definitely an A-lister in the Tutu world

Donā€™t forget to share your thoughts with your fellow tutu aficionados! I eagerly await your letters, dear readers.

Until next time!

With love,

Daphne Dance