
Tutu and Ballet News

29th March 2005: Ballet's Big Bustle - The Tutu Tales of Today

Dearest readers,

My trusty feather boa is quivering with excitement because, oh my darlings, today is the day we delve into the fabulous world of tutus. Let's raise our champagne flutes to those frothy, glorious emblems of all things graceful and glamorous, the stars of every ballerinaā€™s stage, the pride of every ballet class. Weā€™re not just talking about tutus, darlings, weā€™re talking about history, weā€™re talking about drama, and weā€™re talking about tutus with A capital "T".

Now, donā€™t go mistaking a tutu for just a big poufy skirt. This is not the sort of thing you chuck on before you run out for your morning croissant. These darlings are woven with threads of history, tradition, and, letā€™s face it, enough tulle to make a whole village jealous. Itā€™s all very well when youā€™ve got someone like my favourite ballet star, Darcey Bussell, looking all effortless in her tutu. Thatā€™s a real "ooh la la" moment, darling. You try it on for a minute, and all those layers of tulle become your worst nightmare. Trust me.

But before I start rambling about tights and shoes (let's not get started on those ā€“ one size fits all, right? Ha!), weā€™ve got some serious tutus to discuss! The **White Tutu** ā€“ pure, innocent, as flawless and lovely as a freshly baked meringue. Youā€™d find the **White Tutu** at the heart of all those iconic, classic ballet pieces. And let's be honest, darling, who doesnā€™t love a bit of the ā€˜Swan Lakeā€™ choreography and its accompanying fluffy tutu? Itā€™s just like that magical snowflake of ballet, pure and perfect.

Then thereā€™s the **Pink Tutu.** Ah, the **Pink Tutu,** itā€™s simply a fairytale! Youā€™ve got all these layers of delicious, dreamy pink swirling around your ankles, whispering secrets of graceful twirls and perfectly executed grand jetĆ©s. Every dancer wants to be swathed in a **Pink Tutu** and for good reason: itā€™s the embodiment of femininity and those exquisite dancing steps you see only in fairytales. You think about ā€˜Giselleā€™ and ā€˜The Sleeping Beautyā€™. What is the central theme, darlings? Why, the **Pink Tutu** of course!

Itā€™s not all glamour though, this tutu business! The world of ballet has itā€™s share of scandal and fashion faux pas, as Iā€™m sure you can imagine! Oh, let me share a little juicy piece of ballet gossip with you, something I learned at a gala recently. It appears some young dancers today, those ā€œModern Moversā€, have been getting into all sorts of turmoil when it comes to the **Tutu**! Gone are the days when tutus were for ā€œSwan Lake,ā€ and ā€œGiselleā€. They are experimenting, using tutus to explore new boundaries of ballet choreography and self expression. Iā€™ve heard tell of designers draping these tulle wonders in sparkly sequins and bright colours, some of them even throwing bold patches onto the layers of delicate material! And while they may have some of the ballet critics tut-tutting, some have even used **Black Tut**s, even **Blue Tut**s. Itā€™s revolutionary, itā€™s thrilling, itā€™s modern! And I wouldn't dare call it a fashion disaster!

You see, darlings, the tutu has been through a great many transformations. The original, long, stiff tutu with those layers upon layers is what ballerinas had to work with for a long time. But the good Lord above blesses the evolution of everything, from mobile phones toā€¦yes, tutus! Itā€™s wonderful, isnā€™t it, that now those talented dancers have all kinds of options when it comes to picking out tutus, and they arenā€™t just restricted to the long, cumbersome types. It allows a dancer to really explore their talents and become an individual. Why, thereā€™s one young star on stage today - canā€™t recall her name at the moment- who even cut her tutu to make it shorter to fit with her individual interpretation of ā€˜The Nutcracker.ā€™ Thatā€™s the beauty of it all. The tutu is the canvas of a dancer.

And for me? Well, Iā€™ve seen so many glorious tutus over the years, I have the fondest memories. I remember seeing an ā€œon pointā€ dancer at a summer ballet festival. She was wearing a pink **Tutu** so exquisite, it was almost a ballet dress ā€“ the way she used it in her dance was quite divine! It made me want to throw out my ballet shoes (I never, ever used them), and grab the closest pink tulle fabric and create my own! ( Sadly, the most dancing I do these days is around a cocktail shaker - my movements arenā€™t nearly as graceful! )

Well, dear readers, we must take a bow from this delightful and inspiring chat about tutus, their glamour, their history, and their ongoing transformation in the world of ballet! Until next time, darlings, keep your head high, and remember those tutu tales!

With lots of love and sparkle!
    Your ballet-obsessed friend