Tutu and Ballet News

It’s all tutus and tights this week darling, as the nation goes pink! Oh, darling, the Royal Ballet have got the nation talking. Not only is it their 100th anniversary this year (swoon!), but they’re also rocking a very special fundraising initiative: “Tutuganza” – a nationwide competition for the most outrageous tutu.

You heard right. This is no mere run-of-the-mill pliĂ© and pirouette situation. Forget your dainty little tutus and fluffy feather boas! It’s time for all things sparkly, oversized, and quite possibly, even downright flamboyant.

Imagine a tutu made entirely of recycled CDs (thank you, Greta!)? Or a towering structure of sequins that could rival the Eiffel Tower? Maybe a fluffy pink creation worthy of a drag queen extravaganza?

The Royal Ballet are encouraging people from all walks of life – from grandmothers to grannies – to unleash their inner seamstress, get creative, and whip up something extraordinary.

“We want people to go wild! We want tutus that push the boundaries, that challenge our perceptions,” says Henrietta Hufflepuff, Royal Ballet spokesperson. “After all, ballet is about freedom, expression, and letting your inner diva shine.”

But it’s not all just tutus, my dears! The Royal Ballet have also introduced a new dance class for those who are less familiar with the delicate art of pliĂ©s and relevĂ©s. It's called "Tutus and Tights for Beginners." Now, let’s be honest, most of us can't remember how to tie our own shoelaces let alone gracefully glide through an arabesque. But don’t worry, dearies, because the Royal Ballet have a solution! This revolutionary new class caters to even the clumsiest of souls (like myself, dear) and promises to have you turning pirouettes like a seasoned pro, well, perhaps not just yet, but it's worth a try, isn’t it?

But here’s the best bit, dearies: every single person who attends “Tutus and Tights for Beginners” is automatically entered into the “Tutuganza” competition! So, grab your trusty sewing machine (or get that crafty Granny involved, bless her!), and start prepping. It's time to give that inner swan a chance to shine, darlings.

And as if all that weren’t exciting enough, dearies, we also have a sneak peek of what’s going on in the hallowed halls of the Royal Ballet’s costume department.

For the first time in their history, the Royal Ballet will be debuting “Rainbow Swan Lake." (Take a deep breath, my darlings, it’s fabulous!). Think bright, vibrant tutus, with colors bursting off the stage. Think fuchsia, turquoise, amethyst – everything that shimmers and sparkles. (Think glitter!). We're talking a far cry from the traditional white tutus – which, let's face it, have been a little *too* predictable for too long.

And as if that wasn’t enough, dear, prepare yourself for the dazzling addition of feathered tiaras, sparkly pointe shoes, and bejeweled ballet slippers. All thanks to none other than fashion’s darling, Donatella Versace! It seems she's taken the choreographic reins, with an eye to fashion and spectacle (naturally)!

Here's the inside scoop: * Donatella has collaborated with the ballet’s legendary costume designer, Penelope Plum, for this magnificent, once-in-a-lifetime production. * The stage set will be unlike anything seen before: imagine shimmering silks, metallic panels, and giant crystals. * Expect the music to be a fusion of classical and contemporary – because who needs Mozart when you have Lady Gaga?

This season's ballet calendar, dear, promises to be full of surprises! With a whole spectrum of colours ready to be explored, you can say goodbye to all that white and hello to a riot of colours on the stage. So ditch the beige, dears, and let the fun begin! Because in the world of ballet, darling, there's never a dull moment!