Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers, I’m bursting to tell you about the most fabulously chic ballet news. Can you believe that **2 May 2005** marked the most divine launch in the world of ballet? It's simply divine! I’m so excited I’m practically pirouette-ing my way through the office. Now you won't believe what happened, you’ll just have to trust me on this, it was sensational.

You see, darling, the world’s most glamorous ballerinas - all swanning around in the most gorgeous white and pink tutus you can possibly imagine, (and darling you know I am utterly addicted to pink and white - especially if there is a gorgeous little ribbon, perhaps even a bit of sequined sparkle – don’t even get me started, the sparkly shoes – well let's just say my obsession is not only with the divine dancing - but everything that surrounds it). Anyway, you see these ballerinas were all taking a stand - not just for dance – but against the tyranny of, (let me get my best whisper) – *uncomfortable* leotards!

Yes! That's right my lovelies - the world's most fabulous dancers - had declared they wanted to reclaim the stage for elegance, grace and absolutely zero pain - no more leotard woes. I kid you not – they were protesting – they were practically refusing to even put on the *unforgiving* thing. The girls, absolutely *smitten* - as the world would be later – with the idea of a more comfortable and graceful leotard – had formed the "The Ballet Beauties Beyond the Leotard" – also known affectionately to many in the ballet circles – (they whisper it in admiration and just a hint of awe you know darling, as though the girls were fashion icons) as "BBB". And of course it is only the most glamorous, divinely delicious pink and white, absolutely exquisite ballet-wear we are talking about here - we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Yes! Let’s get back to it – these little darlings are launching a complete new *range* of dancewear. It has all the features the girls insisted upon - everything they considered essential: the stretch, the cut, the look, the comfort and the colour – of course. It even boasts the most exquisite fabrics with just the right amount of sheer. The line, created to be perfect for dancing – (of course we always have to remember what we’re all about, don't we? The divinely perfect dance of ballet) and the absolutely sensational colour, sparkle and sheen – you will love this collection! Of course it also included new leotards, – only much more, dare I say - glamorous and less restrictive. But not the **PINK & WHITE** – of course darling – that was never going to happen – and these divine new tutus? Let's just say – no ballerina wants to give these babies up ever.

You can just imagine all the excitement of these beautiful ballerinas swanning around their own special "pink and white" line in such exquisite and stylish pieces! The line featured the “The Ballerina Butterfly”, (with a lovely shimmering detail you just have to see darling, the perfect tulle-ing around the edge. Just divine, if I do say so myself.) “The Pointe of Fashion”, a delicate pink and white with a dainty little bow at the waist – you are going to swoon! And lastly “The Enchantress of the Dance”. I’ve been wearing this new darling in a stunning white – well practically the whole time since the launch – it’s *absolutely divine.* (it even comes with a stunning diamante belt) But this isn't the only fabulously stylish, luxurious piece in the new range. It is just perfect. Let’s not forget that there are beautiful leotards. Just have to say these have been made in so many *gorgeous* shades. I can’t possibly chose.

But of course darling - we have to mention that in true ballerina fashion the line is incredibly *functional*. I can tell you – my feet never felt happier in pointe shoes – the range even had amazing ballet slippers, they felt amazing. I mean come on - with every single item made with special fabric technology for amazing support, shape and elasticity it’s just so amazing.

And the ballet world went absolutely mad for this new line - and my darling – so did the fashion world. Why darling you just have to take a peek! I mean if you're anything like me – you're not going to believe the pieces on display. Let’s talk about some of the new pieces – darling. What else did this incredible range bring?

Well, you could also pick up some fabulously *stunning* leggings, you know, perfect for practice – for those more active ballerinas and of course they also have that beautiful ballet inspired feel. – what could be better - a new fashion range that blends functionality and fabulousness so brilliantly?

There were also gorgeous little ballet purses – just for our bits and pieces and little clutches – how gorgeous! Perfect to hold the little bits we *all* need – (and darling we *always* need – *you know what I mean*) – these lovely ballerina essentials for our everyday life and fabulous life.

Let's not forget that this new, fabulously inspired dancewear collection also extended into amazing clothing - oh the skirts! - I have never been happier in a skirt before.

So, there you have it, my lovelies! All thanks to this fabulous and utterly chic ballet, BBB had brought in a fashion collection, so amazing, so comfortable, and just *divine*! I must say this little foray in fashion was just the tip of the *iceberg* - this amazing line of dance wear has since grown, and the BBB girls - are taking on the fashion world! - - they even launched an absolutely gorgeous new ballet *perfume* that is just the most fabulously intoxicating and romantic – - of course it's named * "Ballerina Bloom" - and darling it's absolutely irresistible! - And they're just getting started, oh, the joy!