
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, gather 'round! It's time for a spot of gossip about those most graceful of creatures - ballerinas! Yes, my dears, let's talk tutus, leotards, and a little something about the sheer joy of pirouette perfection. You know me, I'm a woman who loves a good ballet and I always love an excuse to get a bit glam.

Now, 24 June 2005? What a day! A perfect summer's day, the air is alive with the scent of jasmine and honeysuckle, and all around us are...well, it's actually rather drab! But fret not, darlings! Because on this very day, the fashion world is about to be thrown into a state of utter panic... or maybe just mild disarray! Why? You see, this year's "it" shade for tutus isn't the usual classic pink. Oh no, this year we're going all out. We're going forā€¦ **white**! Yes, my darlings, it's the return of the snowy white tutu! The drama, the pure and ethereal beauty! Itā€™s as though the ballerina herself is spun from moonlight. Donā€™t be surprised if you find yourself swept off your feet by a vision of sheer, flowing, and flawlessly white, perfectly draped tulle.

It's all quite shocking, I must admit. For decades, weā€™ve clung to pink, a shade that screams both sweet and playful - think of all those sugary Ballet Swan Lake memories from our childhoods! But darling, donā€™t be fooled! This new wave of white tutus is the epitome of grown-up, elegant sophistication. This new shade embodies that quiet, almost introspective grace, which is sure to put a refined edge on those otherwise sugary tutus.

Itā€™s more than a simple colour shift; itā€™s an evolution. Think of this: you're sitting in a darkened theatre, the stage lit with those theatrical spotlights. There, on that stage, in a shimmering gown and white tutu, is a ballerina poised, ready to pirouette. What do you see? A celestial creature bathed in light! It's enough to bring tears to your eyes. So beautiful, so otherworldly.

Don't worry, darling. It's not as terrifying as it seems! The world of fashion is a world of trends, of shifting landscapes, where everything, from your beloved clutch bag to your favourite lipstick, gets reinvented! Think of it as a fun adventure. What's important is that, through all of these fashion shifts, we remain true to ourselves. Youā€™ve probably never considered white for your tutu before! Maybe thatā€™s a challenge you need in your life!

But wait, there's more! The new white tutu doesn't mean we are suddenly all about pure minimalist chic! We can still inject a dash of sparkle, some shimmery embellishments. Why? Because darling, just a bit of glitter and shimmer never goes out of fashion! We can mix a bit of playful pink, perhaps, to create that perfect touch of "more is more" chic! Itā€™s a bit of rebellion with the white, an opportunity to unleash your own creative spirit, isn't it?

Now, the shift to white may ruffle some feathers! Letā€™s be honest! It is a bit drastic for the traditionally minded. A friend of mine, an old ballet school friend who now teaches in New York (Darling, sheā€™s absolutely divine, such exquisite grace and all, a true original. We go way back to when I was doing the ā€œCleansing the Templeā€ dance piece from "Josephine and the Great War" ā€¦ oh, so many memories!) was quite appalled by this sudden new trend. Sheā€™s still on a pink tutu-only kick! Oh dear, I tried explaining to her about how much white would suit those dancers with their alabaster skin. But then again, thatā€™s my old palā€¦always quite conventional andā€¦ shall we say... unyielding to the tides of fashion!

So, darling, there you have it. 24 June 2005, the official day when white tutus make their mark on the ballet scene. Be bold. Be beautiful. Be white. I'll be looking out for the latest fashion updates with you! You know I have a fashion newsletter on all things tulle and velvet.

Now, off you go. Embrace this new white-tuted wave, darlings! This is more than a mere fashion statement, this is an evolution of grace! But darling, before you embrace your white tutu, do get the appropriate leotard, with the right sort of embellishment and sparkle - that way, you can really let your individual beauty shine!

But please, darlings, spare a thought for my old pal in New York! The change from the familiar, pink ballet tutus to a whole new fashion era, where white takes the spotlight, isn't easy.

Now if you will excuse me, I have a ballet show to get to, all this talk of ballerinas is getting me excited. I am also putting together an online collection of white tutus. And darlings, if you can imagineā€¦ even those fabulous, traditional ballet flat shoes, they're starting to come out in white! What a glamorous idea!

Stay elegant, stay fashionable, and stay fabulous! And do let me know how you're styling your white tutu! Don't be afraid to push boundaries, but darlings, keep the sparkle.