
Tutu and Ballet News

A Tutus-Good Day for Ballet: The Pink or White Dilemma Continues

Dearest readers, prepare to twirl with excitement as we dive headfirst into a topic thatā€™s been sending ripples through the ballet world: the eternal question of pink or white tutus. This, my dears, is no mere sartorial squabble. Itā€™s a battle for the very soul of ballet!

On the surface, it seems a simple choice: the sweet innocence of white, or the vibrant, dramatic allure of pink. But beneath this shimmering surface lurks a complexity that could make a ballerina spin. Is pink too bold, too flamboyant, too much likeā€¦well, a flamingo? Does white seem too delicate, too much likeā€¦well, a swan that just wants to chill out in the lake? The debates have been fierce, fuelled by cups of tea, stolen glances at the mirror, and whispered discussions in the wings.

We all know the stereotype: the prim and proper ballerina in her pristine white tutu. A vision of purity and grace, right? But are we holding back the evolution of ballet? Perhaps the dancers are craving a touch of flamboyance, a bit of "je ne sais quoi" that a splash of pink provides. They are, after all, athletes in tutus, channeling their inner warrior goddesses.

Just imagine it, dear readers! The stage bathed in soft moonlight, a lone ballerina pirouetteing in a luscious pink tutu, her face a mask of sheer determination. Her movement is like a rose unfurling its petals, full of strength and delicate beauty. Oh, the drama! It's like watching a silent film, but instead of the leading man pulling out his gun, thereā€™s a ballerina pulling off a stunning arabesque, andā€¦ itā€™s just so. much. more. exciting.

However, there are valid arguments in favour of the white tutu. Its delicate grace, its shimmering innocence ā€“ it's a symbol of traditional ballet. A blank canvas onto which the dancer paints her emotions through every flick of her wrist, every tilt of her head. But dare I suggest, darling, that the white tutu might sometimes be, well, just a bitā€¦ dull? Perhaps the dance needs a jolt, a dose of visual pizzazz that only the bold brilliance of pink can offer.

Now, letā€™s talk practicality, shall we? White tutus are famously prone to becoming dirty and ā€“ heaven forbid ā€“ stained. But isn't it part of the allure? A whiff of dust, a faint patina ofā€¦life! Meanwhile, a pink tutu, especially when chosen wisely, can be surprisingly resilient. Think of those strong pink fabrics used for tap shoes and ballet shoes! Now that's a garment that can take a leap ā€“ literally!

Of course, some say that the real debate isn't between pink and white, but between "ballet pink" and "true white". My dears, a "ballet pink" tutu isnā€™t really pink at all. It's an ethereal hue, a kind of ghostly blush that whispers a romantic note on stage. This shade is so delicate that it sometimes seems like a pale white ā€“ and let's be honest, most of the ā€œtrue whiteā€ tutus are often anything but true!

Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between. Perhaps a dancer should have the freedom to choose the colour that reflects her mood, her personality, the very story she's about to unfold on stage. It's a reflection of the ever-evolving world of ballet, where tradition is revered but experimentation is embraced. Perhaps this debate is a celebration of choice, a recognition that even in a world of disciplined movements and intricate steps, there is room for the individual, for a splash of personality, a vibrant spark that illuminates the stage with pure joy.

So, while the ballet world may debate the merits of pink and white tutus, let us all remember one fundamental truth, darlings: the dancer is the real star. Be it a swirling white cloud or a vibrant burst of colour, it is her artistry that breathes life into the tutu, and ultimately, enchants us all. In the end, the most important question is not ā€œpink or white?ā€ It is "what story do you want to tell?".

Let's break down this debate, shall we?


  • A burst of bold colour!
  • Enhances the drama and intensity of the performance.
  • A contemporary touch in a world of tradition.
  • Possibly more stain resistant?


  • Timeless and elegant. Classic!
  • Reflects the light beautifully on stage.
  • Symbolizes innocence and grace.
  • Wellā€¦ white can get dirty!

Ultimately, darling, this choice is as personal as a perfectly-applied pointe shoe! Just remember, whatever the colour, let your inner ballerina shine.

And, oh my dear readers, if ever you see me pirouette across the stage (youā€™d recognise the pink tutu, with the custom-made sequins, of course!) know that I'm not simply dancing, I'm telling a story, embracing every shade of ballet ā€“ pink, white, or a bit of both! So keep twirling and remember, life is simply too short for dull tutus!