Tutu and Ballet News

**Oh, the Tutu-merous Drama!**

Well, darling, it’s the 14th of August 2005. And you know what that means! That's right! It's the glorious day when every single little girl wants to be a ballerina. Well, every little girl, except perhaps for those who dream of a career in professional wrestling (and believe me, even in my rather refined circles, there are a few of those!

Yes, today is National Ballerina Day, a time to celebrate all things pirouette, plié, and the absolutely stunning visual feast that is a ballet performance, whether you’re in the audience, on the stage, or - whisper it! – even on a comfy couch enjoying the comfort of your favourite television channel.

From the dazzling choreography of a swan lake to the absolute thrill of a well-executed grand jeté, there is a whole world of ballerina-style delight for us all. But let’s not forget, ladies and gents, ballet can be oh so serious business. In the cutthroat world of professional ballet, nothing less than pure excellence is tolerated. There's more than just a little pressure when your whole career hinges on perfecting an entrechat quatre. I mean, just think of how many tiny tutus are thrown at the poor, underpaid dancers if they happen to miss a single jump in an Arabian!

Now I have a secret. In the grand ballet world, most professionals tend to favour leotards in tones of plum, lilac and, my absolute favourite, the elegant slate grey (although the boys tend to gravitate towards those gloriously dashing black, almost-invisible garments they call trunks).

But for all you darling gals who find yourselves enthralled by the beauty and drama of ballet - whether it’s watching The Nutcracker for the hundredth time, attending a live performance in Covent Garden, or perhaps you've had the opportunity to take lessons yourself – take heed!

There's more to ballerina chic than a simple pink tulle tutu (and no, girls, I'm not talking about tutus in the shade of pink - although there is, and should be, a whole subsection devoted to them!), You can always be **"ballerina inspired" **even if your only dream is to perfect a spin, twist and jump (the kind involving shoes with a hefty wedge and possibly a pair of jeans). There is a ballet world that is entirely of your making.

You too, ladies, can get on your pointe shoes, or maybe some beautiful strappy platform shoes (although there might not be a grand jete in sight) , and enjoy the joy of simply moving beautifully!

So darling, here’s to ballerina chic - whether it’s the professional dance world or simply in the comfort of your own living room! I think it’s time for a glass of pink prosecco (a perfect shade, naturally!) - and an entirely inappropriate performance by me. ( I can already see the headlines - ‘Dance writer flops onstage at prosecco party!)

Here is what makes this ballerina-themed world of delightful fun SO **fabulous** for all you fashion-loving women:

  • You don’t even have to know how to plié to enjoy ballet inspired beauty.
  • Every little girl's dreams of pirouetting, leaping and swirling will be filled with ballerina-themed attire!
  • Imagine the delight of finding the perfect ballet-style dress (with the right tulle and embellishments) – and even having enough room left in the evening for dessert!
  • There's no need for strict diets here, sweetie! Even the most petite ballerinas in history would eat as many sugar plums as they wished for if they were allowed. But if you’re concerned that your little tutu won’t fit comfortably on your perfect frame, always remember a few tips –
    • Make sure your tutu doesn’t make you feel constricted, sweetie! Just choose one with a comfy, fitted top to show off that perfect frame! It doesn't even have to be *pink* ! And think how flattering the colour of lilac is - it looks perfect on everyone! It might not go with every occasion but the most fabulous things don’t. 
    • The leotard: you have the whole spectrum of color options and I'm happy to say that there's not just a single style in town (just in case you're the kind of gal who gets tired of repetition!).

There is more to life and to this ballerina world of pure feminine fun. Just go with your flow.  Don't let your wildest ballet dreams be only about the pink tutus. There’s no reason why your ballet experience can’t include that splendid little tiara you discovered tucked away in a box of family treasures!

**Just remember:** if you're looking for something with a little more impact, I dare say, you might want to have a few pairs of lovely long white gloves. (The fingerless type, perhaps – because even on this most special of days, a touch of fashion must be shown! ) Don’t forget, your lovely ballerina dress can be as playful and whimsical, as sophisticated and formal as your heart desires! There's not even a need to have ballet lessons! I say you must make ballet a *personal style*, not a life's work. 

Remember to add a little bit of feminine sparkle in those dance-like movements to create an amazing ballerina flair in every move.

And a word of caution (if you choose the elegant white gloves, for goodness sake, you have to do all those hand movements in an absolutely stunningly feminine style – I mean nothing clunky! – and for all that's graceful, **never** use one to hold a glass of champagne in the afternoon!)

The most important thing to remember for today is that whatever makes you feel feminine, joyful and - perhaps most of all - comfortable will make the whole idea of ballerina chic fun! Don't forget, even ballet, even as simple a concept as a white tutu, has evolved to the most incredible dance styles - not to mention a world of fantastic clothing that is just begging to be tried!

Enjoy your ballerina day!