Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, it's time for a little gossip! Can you believe it's December 17th already? The festive season is in full swing, the shops are packed with enough glitter to blind a sparrow, and, naturally, I'm deep in a Christmas-themed ballet reverie. I can practically smell the mince pies and feel the twinkle of fairy lights as I picture myself pirouette-ing through a blizzard of sugar plum fairies in my brand-new pink tutu. Oh, the dreams we have, don't we? But before I get swept away by the Christmas spirit (and those delicious mince pies), let's talk about the real reason we gather 'round the news this week. You know, because even if we're not wearing pink tutus on the daily, the world of ballet and those iconic tutus just keep swirling around our heads, like a ballerina mid-turn! So let's dip our toes, literally, into the gossip swirling around our favourite dancers, those lovely leotards, and, naturally, the magnificent, majestic, marvel of them all – the tutu!

Now, it's no secret, the ballet world can be a little... shall we say... dramatic. Think *Strictly* but with pointe shoes, a healthy dose of *Downton Abbey* drama, and a sprinkling of *Bridgerton* romance, because you know the real gossip, my darlings, never stays hidden, it just gets whispered across the grand foyer of the Royal Opera House!

So, darling, settle into your favourite armchair, pour yourself a cuppa, and get ready for the latest updates from the wonderful world of ballet, straight from your favourite writer of things ballet...

First Up: The Great Tutu Shortage!

Yes, darlings, it's true. The news is positively abuzz with talk about a critical lack of pink tutus. The demand, it seems, is through the roof, and some ballerinas, bless their hearts, have been left scrambling to find their iconic dance wear. Apparently, the issue stems from the global supply chain - those darn Covid delays - which have meant that tulle production has been thrown completely off balance.

I’m afraid it's looking rather grim, my darlings, and this might even affect the Christmas shows. Think of it: the "Nutcracker," a ballet synonymous with tutus - could it possibly face a pink tutu shortage? Imagine our young sugar plum fairies rocking white, off-white or beige. Oh the tragedy, the indignity! But fear not, darlings. There are plans to bring in pink tutus from all corners of the world. We're even hearing whispers that the famous "Royal Ballet's tutu stash" (you know, the secret hoard rumored to be hidden in a vault, guarded by two fierce, ex-Royal Ballet prima ballerinas - a true tale, my darlings!), could be deployed.

And, while we are on the subject of the ballet world...

Speaking of tutus, my darlings, a young ballerina, darling Daphne de la Valois (yes, she is a direct descendent of that legendary choreographer, bless her), recently launched her very own tutu line. "Daph's Dance Wear" boasts the most delectable colours, darling - think turquoise, peach, lavender - and a touch of sparkle that would make Cinderella blush. And don't even get me started on the intricate detailing, my darlings! It’s all hand-sewn, using the finest silks and satins. And, to top it off, the price? Absolutely outrageous. Of course! What else would we expect from Daphne and her penchant for the finer things? Oh well, a girl's got to dream, doesn't she? But that's not all...

  • A rather controversial new move at the Royal Ballet. This is shocking and unheard of... no, my darlings, you read that right, a controversial move! They've introduced the idea of "ballet fusion." Think of it as, "a twist" (pun intended!), on the traditional, darling, with modern and even hip hop moves. A new approach? You heard it here first. Some are up in arms - calling it "sacrilege!" Meanwhile, the modernists are thrilled! Now, I wouldn't be caught dead in a leotard at a rave, my darlings, but the whole controversy has got me, let’s just say, doing my own kind of “fusion” with my latest collection of ballet shoes! But don't worry, the tututastic ballets remain... at least for now!
  • The annual "Best Ballerina of the Year" Awards have rolled around once more. Now, darling, there's always a lot of gossip surrounding this, with more feathers ruffled than a whole flock of swans, if you catch my drift! But this year, darling, all eyes were on that rising star - yes, dear Camille Dubois! A stunning ballerina with poise like a gazelle and strength like... well... I'll leave that for your own imagination! A rumour has it that she will be getting her own line of leotards, my dear! Yes, and a line of "Camille Dubois" ballet shoes too. Can’t wait for that - we must have those darling!

As for me, my dears, well, I've got a whole week's worth of writing to do about all these ballet adventures! Don’t forget, we've got the Royal Ballet Christmas season to cover, and my very own holiday special to put together... A little festive ballet fashion, darling, naturally! What will we wear? Pink? White? Why, darlings, it’s a tough one!

So, pour a cup of tea, and join me next week for the latest ballet gossip, a look at the most fabulous Christmas Ballet outfit choices, and some *divine* Christmas-themed ballet inspiration to get you in the holiday mood, my darlings.

Stay fabulous! And keep dancing...!


Your beloved Ballet Blogger