Tutu and Ballet News

**Oh, the Drama! Ballet goes bonkers, as leotard shortage sends tutus into a spin!**

It’s the first day of 2006, and already, the ballet world is in a right old flap! It’s not about Swan Lake or a prima ballerina’s new shoes; no, this time, the culprit is a complete lack of... well, bottoms, darling!

Yes, you heard me right. Leotards, those skin-tight, second-skin-like garments, have been declared the ‘most in-demand item in all of Britain, surpassing even posh handbags and designer chocolates.’ This statement came straight from the horse's mouth, or should we say, from the tightest little mouth imaginable – the lips of Ms. Penny Peachy, a woman who, quite frankly, knows her way around a leotard! You see, Ms. Peachy is the very chic and totally stylish owner of London’s hottest, newest, most utterly fashionable dancewear emporium, ‘Tutus & Twirls’, and, according to Ms. Peachy, "the lack of leotards this year is nothing short of catastrophic!".

Why this dramatic shortage, you ask? Apparently, the whole thing started with a misplaced comma in the leotard order, resulting in the fabric destined for said leotards ending up in, *shudder*... Spain! Oh, the tragedy! It’s enough to make any true ballerina’s tights go right up her bottom, which is where you would find those tights were a leotard on hand to support them!

Now, let’s be frank. This is a *real* problem, my darling! It means that even the most accomplished, and glamorous of ballerinas could find themselves stranded in, *quelle horreur*, trousers!

As if a leotard shortage wasn't enough, the news is not improving! It seems that the shortage of leotards has also thrown a spanner in the works for those beautiful, floaty pink and white tutus that grace the stage. A tutu needs a leotard; the two go together, hand-in-hand (so to speak). There is no question. They are truly meant to be, just like Romeo and Juliet. In fact, it’s been known that the odd ballerina or two has been seen roaming the streets in their tutus without a leotard... not a good look darling!

The situation is even more complicated in the realm of ballet classes across the country. "This isn’t just an embarrassing moment on stage, my love,” said Mrs. Wilkinson, owner of “Twirl & Turn”, one of London’s finest ballet schools, with a voice as hushed as a theatre audience on the cusp of silence. "This leotard shortage is causing untold disruptions to our class schedules! You can't ask children to practise with their bums dangling about! It’s all so awfully impractical!”.

The shortage has led to an upsurge of desperate ballerinas in London. Even the most discerning dance connoisseur will confess to experiencing some panic over this matter! It is common these days to see queues stretching around the block at Tutu & Twirls as ballerina hopefuls desperate to get their hands on those essential garments! Even seasoned dancers and grandmas are venturing into the streets in pursuit of a decent leotard to hold up their dancing aspirations! Not one to let a crisis go to waste, Ms. Peachy has taken to raising the price of her leotards by 50 percent. Now that’s a woman who knows how to make hay while the sun shines... but we can’t fault her really; the shortage is a real crisis, so why not make a tidy profit on those lovely little leotards? It's only a little inflation darling... the prices of everything is going up.

With the nation's ballet community teetering on the edge of total disarray, a small group of ballerinas, those *true* devotees of the art form (who, let’s be honest, aren’t particularly concerned with mere practicality), have turned to making their own leotards! But this isn’t any regular “Mum making a jumper from an old t-shirt” type scenario. This is art darling, this is creativity. This is taking that tiny little piece of cloth and transforming it into something magical! This is real, dedicated artistry; an act that might be inspiring, might even be artistic, and dare we say it... *beautiful!*

The ballerina world is a volatile one! It’s full of delicate moves, precise turns and all-out glitz and glamour, but let’s be honest, sometimes things go a bit *tutti frutti*, a bit *flamenco* if you know what we mean! This leotard situation certainly fits that description!

**So, as the new year rolls on, what’s next for our tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed society? ** The fashion industry is on pins and needles – with some fashion commentators already declaring that ‘tutu-wear’ will be *the* next big thing in haute couture. Will it be a glorious, full-on fashion statement or another step towards our collective demise?! Who can say? We are in unknown territory, my love!

**However, this is one prediction that I’m making. As the new year unfolds, watch this space… ** If this leotard situation is not resolved by the end of January, ballet could be headed for an era of utter, complete chaos... chaos that, let’s be honest, would probably only add to the beauty of ballet performance... for some.