**07 January 2006**
**Tut, Tut! A Crisis in the World of Ballet?**
Dearest darlings,
It's me, your resident ballet buff, back with another dose of dance-related drama. And this time, oh my dear readers, it's a real whopper!
A whisper, a murmur, a tiny tut-tut... word on the street (and yes, I mean the elegant marble-floored hallways of the Royal Opera House) is that the world of ballet is facing a... *gasp*... **tutu crisis!**
Yes, you heard me right! Our beloved tulle, the airy fabric that allows ballerinas to pirouette, plié, and arabesque like a feathered dream, is in jeopardy!
It all started innocently enough. The fashion gods (and we all know fashion has a penchant for poking fun at the classic, don't we?) started with a mere *twinkle*. A hint of metallic. A smattering of sequins. Suddenly, the humble tutu began its foray into, dare I say, *experimental* territory! The ballet world was shocked, the press was aghast, and, naturally, yours truly was glued to the front row, poised to document this unexpected shift in style.
But the rebellion wasn't a one-time fling! It seems the experimental stage was merely the start of a grand metamorphosis, as tutus, the traditional hallmark of ballet, were being embraced (or perhaps, *encouraged*?) to evolve! There are reports of leotards made with sequins, yes! **Sequins!** And tights, my dear readers, tights that dare to venture into neon realms. Not even the hallowed halls of the Paris Opera Ballet are immune to this dramatic twist. They're even considering black tutus. *Black!** The horror! Imagine the shock of your grandmère!
But wait! There's more! Rumours are circulating that the world of ballet has even flirted with the *cringeworthy*... **floral print!** Yes, imagine delicate blossoms gracing the folds of a traditionally white or pink tutu!
Oh dear, this whole situation does beg a few questions!
Is this a valiant attempt to draw a younger, more 'contemporary' audience into the world of ballet? Perhaps an attempt to compete with the shimmering spectacle of modern dance?
But this much is clear - while these changes have caused quite the stir amongst traditionalists (we mustn't forget the elegance of a simple, classic white tutu), I can't help but feel a sense of excitement, like the start of something... fabulous! Who knows what spectacularly flamboyant styles the ballet world will dream up next? It might be bold, it might be bizarre, it might even be... *heavenly*!
The most important thing to remember? Whether you prefer classic white or embrace a new era of playful pinks and electrifying colours, never, ever, ever *tut* at a dancer's tutu! A true devotee of ballet embraces all forms of creativity, regardless of their style. We must never lose sight of the raw talent and beauty that shines through, irrespective of the fabric adorning the dancers' limbs. We are all, after all, united by the magic of dance.
Now if you'll excuse me, dear readers, I'm off to watch the Royal Ballet, perhaps even scout out a few upcoming dancers sporting the trendiest tutus of the season! It seems this isn't just about the dance itself - the costumes are fast becoming a spectacle all their own.
Until next time, my dears!
Much love and pliés,
Your devoted dance-enthusiast,
Your ballet-loving blogger.