
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, I simply cannot contain myself! A scandal is afoot in the world of ballet, and you know me, I simply **adore** a good scandal! I mean, think about it, tutus and tights, the high drama of pliĆ©s and pirouettes, all set against a backdrop ofā€¦ well, **pink** tutus and **white** tutus! Oh darling, you wouldn't believe the kerfuffle.

You see, dear readers, it all started at the Royal Ballet's production of Swan Lake on January 21st 2006. Just as the legendary Prima Ballerina, Felicity "Felicity Feather" Fairfax was performing the "White Swan" pas de deux, a rogue feather, one of *those* feathery things that, dare I say, make a swan *look* like a swan, wellā€¦ it flew!

Imagine, dear reader, the shock, the gasp, the sheer pandemonium! One minute we have our Felicty looking ethereal and graceful in her gorgeous white tutu, thenā€¦*pop*... one minute later we had a rogue feather flying towards the stage. And, darling, not just any feather. It was the kind that looked like it'd escaped from a glamour-puss peacock's behind. You know, **real** drama!

Felicity, in true professional fashion, kept on dancing! Talk about poise! Not everyone was quite so graceful, though!

There was young Desmond, the poor boy was playing the "Prince", and *that* featherā€¦ you wouldn't believe, he went chasing after it, **all over the stage**! And, of course, what do they do? **They start arguing**, my darling, *right there*, in the middle of Swan Lake! Feathers and accusations were flying everywhere, more than the usual "ballet fluff" one sees in these scenarios! Poor old Desmond lost his place and, if you can believe it, the other dancers had to literally push him out of the way as he tried to "chase the rogue feather" to get it back!

Imagine, all this during the most dramatic scene of Swan Lake! The music swells, the stage is set for the beautiful and emotional finaleā€¦ And it was, well, let's just say it *lost a bit of its magic*. There was even an **incident** with the conductorā€¦ rumour has it he threw his baton in the air and missed. He got it back. Somehow.

But, dear reader, there was worse. Much worse. I'll whisper this, so don't tell anyone. Word on the street (that being, well, Covent Garden's backstage area) is thatā€¦**Felicity "Feather" Fairfax wasn't happy.** Let me tell you, a grumpy Prima Ballerina is the *last* thing any choreographer wants. And here she was, in the midst of her triumphant stage finale, **holding up her elegant, white, ruffled tutu and, with an icy stare at poor Desmond, simply said: "What's with all the fluff today?"*

But the scandal didn't stop there. It turns out this feather was more than just a feathered "rogue", it was a...*spoiler alert*ā€¦**symbol**! Some **radical** group called "Ballet Beyond Bounds", the ones with the *colourful* "Save The Swan" protests and the infamous **pink and purple tutus** outside the Royal Opera House. *Everyone* knows them. Those **dramatic**, **over-the-top** dancers in their outlandish outfits, who seem to enjoy **shocking** the traditional ballet audience, had done the unthinkable! They had **stolen** Felicity's lucky "swan" feather. Apparently it's a *family heirloom* that was gifted to her by her grandmaā€¦ The grandmother, by the way, was also a legendary dancer!

Apparently, this little bit of ā€œBallet Beyond Boundsā€ ā€œartā€ had been an attempt to make a point about animal rightsā€¦ "Ballet Beyond Bounds" are known for these crazy statements... They believe they have to put out some *crazy* spectacle to get everyone to pay attention, but Iā€™ll tell you what, that ā€œstolenā€ feather did create some real controversy, at least with Felicity "Feather" Fairfax, sheā€™s known to be fiercely traditionalist!

They wanted to highlight how Swan Lakeā€™s ā€œswanā€ **has to be humanised**. Oh, I think those crazy kids are starting to sound like me. We must have some **interesting** times ahead for the ballet scene, now, I mean with these *bold statements* going on. *Especially* when a group like Ballet Beyond Bounds uses pink tutus and the colour purple... Well, *that* kind of shock tactic will definitely turn heads.

To get back to the drama, poor Felicity is now officially **on the warpath** ! Rumour has it, she's threatening a lawsuitā€¦ Imagine, dear reader, *the lawsuit!* She wants to charge "Ballet Beyond Bounds" with *artistic terrorism* ā€¦ How dramatic, wouldnā€™t you agree? All this and the season's gala ball in *three weeks*! I just know thereā€™s going to be *some* juicy drama going on that gala night, wouldn't you?

Honestly, it's all so glamorous, darling. Feathers, accusations, legal threats, and all with the most stunning backdrop of pink and white tutus. How perfectly *fabulous* ! Oh my, what will happen to the world of balletā€¦ Now *that* is the *real* drama, donā€™t you think?