
Tutu and Ballet News

**26th February 2006**

Oh, darling! Did you see those ridiculous headlines? "Ballet dancers strike over tights?" It's practically the biggest scandal since the Bolshoi's star ballerina had her hair extensions fall out during Swan Lake! Let's be honest, this is bigger than a misplaced pirouette, my dears. It's the ultimate ballet fashion faux pas. Imagine the horror. Imagine the lack of control. It's tantamount toā€¦ well, to performing a grand jetĆ© in an ill-fitting leotard ā€“ a veritable nightmare!

It seems those perfectly honed, toned, and thoroughly manicured little legs have finally had enough of being squeezed into those flesh-toned, slightly too-small, little stockings. A real travesty, isn't it? What is a ballerina to do without her tights? But letā€™s get real, is this really just about tights? No, my dears, itā€™s deeper than that. It's a war against uniformity. A cry for liberation, an epic battle forā€¦ pink!

I mean, come on! Have you ever seen a ballet performance without a pink tutu? Pink, my dears, is the universal language of ballet. The quintessential colour of delicate poise, and effortless grace. Itā€™s the colour that says "I'm prima ballerina, I am the Queen of the Stage" (and, don't we all dream of being queens, darlings? ). But pink doesn't come cheap. You see, behind those dazzling twirls, those daring leaps, and those seemingly effortless, but in reality terribly gruelling, routines, lies an unspoken struggle. An artistic fight, one waged for the perfect shade of pink. And trust me, itā€™s an uphill battle!

Let me tell you, even the most expensive tutus can sometimes turn into pale, washed-out shades, like some unfortunate faded dreams, under the relentless spotlights of a demanding theatrical performance. The constant washing and the sheer strain of those perfect, ballerina-worthy, jumps, spins, and twirls take their toll on our delicate little ballet friends.

We need a brighter, a stronger pink. And the ballerina? She wants the most luxurious fabric, one that will retain its perfect pink. One that allows her to dance effortlessly, that compliments her shape, that shows off her graceful form, without constricting her legs, you see? So, when our ballet star insists that only a luxurious silk tulle will do, understand that her demand for a new fabric has nothing to do with "tights", it's about honouring the sanctity of pink, darling. Itā€™s about paying homage to the colour that symbolizes all things graceful, ethereal, and truly exquisite.

Why should ballet always be a tale of sacrifice, my darlings? There are stories in these tutus, just as much as there are in any Shakespearean tragedy. Let's not dismiss this whole ballet-tights-situation as a simple ā€œdemand for more comfortable stockingā€. This is about more than flesh-toned fabrics and elastic. This, my darlings, is an opportunity to celebrate the true beauty of pink!

Oh, the things we put our darling ballet dancers through. Those agonizing toe shoes, which must be made just right, and the endless hours spent in practice. Hours dedicated to refining movements and developing flexibility, and donā€™t even get me started on those strict dietary requirements. They really put in the work, but what they do get is something that we mere mortals can only dream of; they get to be beautiful. So a few protests over some rather crappy tights are small potatoes really. Who wouldn't protest to gain some pink perfection?

They get to be feminine in ways that only dancers can be. They get to create beauty on a stage, and to take us, their audiences, on journeys. A world of dance, of delicate leaps, elegant movements, and beautifully expressive emotions, all packaged in an aesthetically exquisite and beautifully elegant art form. A beautiful art form, made even more beautiful with the grace and delicacy of their white or pink tutus. So you see, darling, the whole situation is really rather intriguing. Itā€™s time to accept that even the seemingly unassuming ballet-dancer is capable of rocking the stage with some strong feminine sentiments, and you know I approve.

There's no escaping it. Behind that elegant, delicate ballerina there lies a very real, strong woman with a strong will and a mind set on artistic perfection. Don't forget that. So let us all support our ballet dancers in their demand for pink-tutu perfection. I believe in the strength and beauty of our ballet performers, and I know that this movement to reclaim pink and the perfectly tailored tutu is a victory that is more than deserved.

Now go and book tickets to the ballet. And if you see any tutus that arenā€™t pink, well, let's just say there might be a revolutionary brewing, darlings!