Tutu and Ballet News

**Tutus, Tiaras and the Triumph of the Tiny Tights: A Day in the Life of a Ballerina**

It’s 18th April 2006 and, as usual, I’m precariously perched on the edge of my bed, a symphony of clinking jewellery cascading around me. Yes, darlings, it’s time to get ready for the most glorious of tasks: a day at the ballet! Let's be honest, for a woman who is utterly obsessed with all things pink and fluffy, a ballet class is the closest I'm going to get to spending the day as a marshmallow on a cloud.

My phone buzzes – an insistent vibration in the symphony of my morning ritual. "It’s on, girls!" chirps a voice laced with caffeine. "Meet you in the changing room at 10. No slackers, darling!" It's Veronica, our fabulously fabulous ballet teacher, and trust me, you do not want to miss a class with Veronica, darling, unless you have the delicate grace of a rhinoceros in a china shop (though, come to think of it, I’m pretty sure Veronica could even teach a rhinoceros a graceful pas de deux!).

But before I can don my signature leotard (which is so form-fitting that it’s essentially a second skin - thank heavens for stretchy fabric!) I've got a bit of a dilemma: the timeless choice, the fashion battle royale, the battle of pink vs. white! The iconic tutus, darlings, the fluffy stars of any ballet, a symbol of elegance and grace, oh, and, well, extreme frilliness!

Now, pink is my colour. It’s the colour of my heart, of my passion, of every delicious treat on earth, basically. It’s the colour that speaks to my inner Barbie – remember the ones with the tiny bodies and impossibly long limbs, my darling? The ones we all dreamed of being? Well, that's pretty much my entire goal in life: being that glamorous pink Barbie in my tutu, floating across the stage like an effervescent, sugar-spun fairy.

On the other hand, white, with its crisp, unimpeachable chic, whispers promises of effortless sophistication, a touch of classic beauty, darling. The white tutu – a symbol of elegance, grace and... well, basically the complete opposite of the kind of pink fluffy chaos I often unleash into the world. And yet, sometimes, there's a yearning within me, a yearning to be serene, refined, to embody that understated yet powerful femininity. And yes, that yearning leads to... a little internal conflict.

I reach for the rack of tutus in my wardrobe (yes, darling, I have a tutu rack!) and my eyes dart back and forth: pink, with its vivacious promise; white, with its understated elegance. Finally, with a dramatic sigh, I decide. Today, I want to embrace the full, unapologetic drama. I want to be a pink ballet supernova, dazzling the universe with my frills!

By 10 sharp, I'm there at the studio – surrounded by my ballerina sisterhood: Clara, the ethereal wisp of a creature with limbs that stretch forever; Florence, whose leaps could put the Bolshoi dancers to shame, and Serena, whose pirouettes are the definition of effortless grace (though, I suspect there are hours of practice behind that effortlessness). As I join them in the changing room, it's like entering another world – a wonderland of glittery hairpins, pink and purple satin ribbons, and the reassuring fragrance of a hundred different kinds of ballet shoe polish (because, darlings, the shoes, are, as you well know, *critical*)

After warming up, Veronica puts us through our paces, our bodies moving like waves in a choreographed symphony. And trust me, Veronica has eyes in the back of her head. No move goes unobserved; every position is critiqued; and my pink tutu, oh, it flies so high! It twirls, it bounces, and then, darling, when Veronica's calling out instructions to us – we take a deep breath and we execute, oh, with *such* precision, our little feet tracing perfect lines across the floor.

But, as much as we work hard, darling, there’s always room for a good laugh, a bit of ballet banter, and the odd cheeky comment about someone's accidentally slightly wonky bun. Yes, because, even though the world can be chaotic and cruel, darlings, we ballet dancers know one thing: We may twirl in pink and white and sparkly pink shoes, but we are a tribe, a sisterhood, bound by the sheer absurdity of this ballet life, a world of tight, tiny leotards, spacious bun-making hair and an unrelenting dedication to perfect technique – and frankly, the more you embrace the ridiculous, the more fun it gets, my dear!

We're not just a ballet class, darling, we're a world. We have our routines, our jokes, our unspoken rules, and oh, we *love* the theatre of it all! Like every time the new ballet shoe shop pops up, Veronica says: "Right girls, we've got to check this one out." Or when Florence brings out a new pair of sparkly leg warmers, and Clara and Serena both shriek, "We want them!" and we all end up piling into a sparkly-leg-warmer-filled, fluffy, giggling heap!

It’s all about the ritual, darlings – the ritual of stretching and leaping, of our tutus, our little leotards, and yes, that signature pink shade, the shade that always somehow manages to find a way to slip into every aspect of our lives (even Veronica's handbag has a pink fluffy charm on it!).

The class is coming to an end and, though the glow of the setting sun is creeping through the studio window, there is a radiant, internal glow shining within each one of us, a glow fueled by the magic that is ballet. It’s about finding that strength, that power, that poise within ourselves; it’s about learning to embody the beautiful chaos that makes up being a woman – to dance and twirl, to love pink and white, to be elegant and flamboyant, all in one.

The symphony of jewellery around my wrist jangles and clicks as I prepare for the final bow (my head tipped back, just a *tiny* bit) before I stride out into the world. This ballet world, darlings, where tiny tights make all the difference! It’s the world that teaches me to embrace the dramatic, to find strength in a leap, and beauty in every single pirouette! And you know what, darlings, even the odd rhino might agree: it's all about finding the right kind of graceful chaos in your life! Now if you’ll excuse me, there's a delicious pink cocktail waiting for me - and let me tell you, darlings, a cocktail can also be rather a graceful chaos too!

Life lessons learned at ballet class today:

  • Pink tutus and pink cocktails: the perfect pair.
  • Ballet shoes polish: a girl's best friend.
  • Never be afraid to embrace your inner-Barbie.