
Tutu and Ballet News

Ballet: It's not all tutus and tiaras, darling!

I've been thinking. It's time to talk about something close to my heart. You know, something I feel deeply passionate about, that gets me feeling like I'm truly *living my best life*. I mean, *ballet*! Ballet, darling, is just about the most glamorous thing since Chanel No.5 and, well, it's not just about tutus, you know. Ballet is about dedication, discipline and *dare I say* a touch of drama, (which let's face it, we all love). Ballet makes you *feel* - it's *emotional* and makes you *move*. So when youā€™re feeling a bit ā€œblah,ā€ ditch those sweatpants and lace up your pointe shoes! *Donā€™t* worry darling, it doesnā€™t matter if you're an absolute novice, weā€™re not judging here. Now, on with the show!

**The Ballet: *An inside Look* **

Forget all those boring "serious ballet" films youā€™ve been subjected to with all those sombre colours and "intense, broody dancers.ā€ Ballet, honey, is full of colour. Yes, itā€™s *pink*, itā€™s *sparkly*, and there are lots and *lots* of glitzy costumes that you might just fall in love with. Honestly, ballet is for everyone, (it's definitely not just for thin, young, and athletic people) as we've been lead to believe. *No darling, ballet can be your best friend for life! * (Think, sparkly leotard, flowing white tulleā€¦ Oh my god!).

Letā€™s talk tutus.

You know Iā€™ve got a bit of a soft spot for a tutu - I just love a classic pink tutu! Honestly, a well-made pink tutu is a real work of art and it really will help you take your performance to the next level. I'm sure, you're saying, "Hold on, what? A *pink* tutu for my performance?!" Thatā€™s the best bit - I just know, in the *right* setting - the right *room,* the right lighting - a pink tutu is going to absolutely kill it! Now, if pink's a bit too "much", think a white one instead (a flowing white tulle - how much more heavenly can a dancer's attire get!). That ethereal, ghostly look youā€™ve always been searching for - a white tutu will get the job done.

Oh, leotards!

Honestly, who doesnā€™t *love* a good leotard? I can tell you *right now*, if I have an outfit that really turns my head, a good leotard will make me really *really* happy. It's an essential item for any dance wardrobe and it comes in just about every color and pattern you can imagine (even more if you look *hard* enough)! Think classic black, vibrant purple or why not, why not try *that* beautiful turquoise with black detailing on a leotard? You can always go bold and daring with an exciting leopard-print leotard if that's your thing, or try something even *more* interesting, for your special dance-date night! I've got one I bought in a little Parisian shop that has bright turquoise sequins. The material just oozes class! You see? It's not always about being ā€˜practicalā€™ - sometimes, honey, it's all about the *feeling.* And, oh boy does this make me *feel good*. *Leotard, Leotard, what would I do without you? *

So, it's *definitely* worth making a bit of time to check out all the gorgeous and sparkly dance outfits out there. Letā€™s go!

Some things I learnt *living* Ballet:

  • There's a ballet school near every Starbucks, just go and find yours! Youā€™ll find all sorts of incredible and inspiring people (don't worry itā€™s fine if itā€™s been a few years, just let those dancing shoes do the talking! )
  • It is worth getting your hands on a pair of pointe shoes. Trust me, thereā€™s nothing quite like feeling the world come to a standstill as you press down on your *en pointe*
  • It's *super* rewarding if you manage to pull off a *grand jetĆ©*. That feeling of taking to the skies - it's just something *special* ( and super Instagrammable if you know what I mean.)
  • Thereā€™s just something magical about feeling the air against your skin as you leap through the air! It really is a rush! If I had one wish Iā€™d wish that you all felt this at least once!

A few things I *know* you want to ask.

  • What are your favorite ballet performances?
  • What music are you loving for your classes?
  • Do you ever get dizzy *en pointe* ?
  • And can I try on your sparkly turquoise leotard?

** Darling, if you're even thinking about joining the wonderful, magical, and fabulous world of Ballet *do it*. The worst thing you can do is *not* do it. So what are you waiting for? Put on some beautiful dance shoes and get ready to get moving, honey! Go on, live a littleā€¦