Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, it’s been a whirlwind week in the world of ballet, and let me tell you, the drama is practically dripping from the tulle. Hold onto your sequins, because things are about to get utterly fabulous!

First things first, let’s talk tutus. Oh, those glorious, billowing, glorious, clouds of froth! Forget diamonds, darling, the tutu is the ultimate symbol of power and grace. Well, maybe not power, more like a *hint* of power, a whisper of confidence amidst a sea of pink and peach and, of course, the ever-present blush of “ballet pink” that you can’t even get at the nail salon without everyone knowing you’re “on pointe.”

But here's the scandal. You won’t believe this. A tutu has been *stolen*! It wasn’t just any tutu, darlings, it was from the world-famous "Ballet du Lac" in Geneva! The Geneva police have released an artist's sketch of a rather unfortunate looking woman fleeing with the stolen garment. Apparently, she was quite loud and yelling things about "making a statement", so I’m hoping she didn’t try to *literally* wear the tutu whilst on the run, can you imagine?

Let's move on to more glamorous affairs. In London's West End, the much-hyped ballet production of "Alice in Wonderland," starring a rather flamboyant, yet wonderfully talented ballerina who goes by the name "Lady Lux" in her private life (she *really* lives up to the name), just had its opening night. Apparently, Lady Lux *literally* descended from the ceiling, hanging by chains - yes darling, just chains! It was practically a dance number on its own. I believe the audience was thoroughly impressed.

As for "Alice" itself? The entire production was a visual treat. Apparently, the costumes were inspired by a combination of *vintage* Victorian era clothing and *modern* haute couture from the most fabulous designers in Paris. It was an odd mix, but darlings, you *know* that sometimes an odd mix is the most fabulous kind.

Then, a little closer to home, *my* own dance class had an interesting event. It all started innocently enough. A lovely, but completely out of shape, socialite called Geraldine tried to demonstrate a *grand jetĂ©* (basically, a super fabulous leap) during class and well
let's just say the attempt went wrong. Badly wrong. But not *totally* wrong, because darling, she landed on the poor instructor’s feet! They both seemed a bit dazed for a while, with Geraldine looking particularly guilty as the rest of us stifled our laughter. She hasn't come back since. Oh dear, it does rather make you question whether a tutu, *especially* in the hands of Geraldine, should be viewed as a symbol of power after all, eh?

Of course, there is always more drama to report, so stay tuned. The tutu, like the world of dance, is forever on pointe. Just be sure to hold onto your pearls and champagne darling, things in this little world can get *extravagantly* dramatic!

But until then
Let’s Dance!

Love & Tutu,
Patricia PĂ©tale

(Patricia PĂ©tale, known for her stylishly funny musings on ballet and all things chic and glamorous.)