Tutu and Ballet News

Ballet's Big Fat Tutus: Are We Finally Embracing the Comfort Factor?

It's been 15th June, 2006, darlings, and I’m absolutely buzzing to tell you all about this truly, utterly bonkers turn of events! Remember the stuffy, old-fashioned world of ballet? Think all tight buns and even tighter leotards? Well, honey, get ready to twirl into a new era because the tutu revolution is here. It’s the ultimate rebellion, a declaration of sartorial liberation! And believe me, it’s all kinds of fabulously messy.

So, here’s the thing. Ever since my debut in Swan Lake back in ’95, the ballerina's uniform hasn't exactly been the epitome of comfort, darling. That scratchy, tight leotard and a tutu that felt like you’re practically wearing a giant marshmallow—talk about restrictive. Even the fancy tulle seemed to scream “discipline!” not “darling, twirl your troubles away!”. Well, all of that is officially a thing of the past. Hold onto your pom poms, girls, because things are about to get… comfortable.

The whispers began last season, little murmurs of a new wave, and oh darling, how right those whispers were! From London's Royal Ballet to the New York City Ballet, they’re all jumping on board. Imagine my surprise when I popped into the Royal Opera House the other day and, instead of that usual stark white sea of classical tutus, I was greeted with... hold your breath... neon pink. It was all “disco fever” meets “ballerina dream”, darling! There I was, alongside our leading prima ballerinas, flaunting our newly liberated figures. Even the prima ballerinas themselves were practically buzzing. It’s about time someone embraced the ultimate statement: that the more comfortable the ballerina, the better she dances. Who needs that uncomfortable ‘ballerina physique’, darling? We are graceful goddesses, and even goddesses want to be comfortable, darlings!

What’s making this whole ‘comfortable ballet’ revolution tick? Well, it's a a double whammy. First, there’s this new generation of designers, darlings, these trailblazers who have this wonderful ability to think outside the box! Instead of that constricting leotard, imagine—prepare to be dazzled, pet—stretch-woven, silky, oh-so-comfortable, body-skimming pants in a myriad of joyous hues! Even better? It makes the tutu really, really, stand out, like a gigantic, tulle cloud above it all.

Of course, the whole ‘comfortable tutu’ revolution isn't without its hurdles. There’s that whole “classical ballerina” element, the traditionalists who swear by their tiny, scratchy leotards. They’ve got these dramatic looks, darling, like their favourite tutu has been abducted and their favourite ballerina-wear-only colour has been replaced by, well, colour, darlings. It’s enough to make you cry. Imagine—all that elegance and grace with not even a dash of comfort?

You've got to give it to the classic ballerinas: they are masters at turning their legs into graceful whips, spinning into pirouettes and making the whole dance routine seem impossibly effortless, while they are wearing essentially, a very stiff, very structured, itchy garment. However, comfort or no comfort, it’s not easy to look effortlessly graceful. That's where the other revolutionary change comes into play, my darling: We are, quite simply, taking our time.

Remember those super tight-bun days? They’re done, darling. The messy bun is in! Our hair is a bit wild, our steps more natural, and it’s freeing up all those mental reserves that we once used to be ‘perfect’, instead of just being fabulous. Of course, comfort means our legs can’t hold the graceful and perfect “arabesque" for hours at a time. So we have to embrace imperfection. Think, if not perfectly balanced then perfectly imperfect, with an oh-so-comfortable dash of relaxed elegance! It's not about ignoring the precision of the steps, it’s about celebrating a sense of effortless joy, darlings.

And that, darling, is what this whole tutu revolution is truly about: embracing a whole new kind of ballet beauty. One where it’s perfectly okay to have a bit of messy hair, to take a break when your muscles scream at you to, to smile a little wider while you’re doing it all because it’s actually… enjoyable! Because isn’t dancing, even professional dancing, all about being happy, about telling stories, about making magic, darlings? Why let a leotard, and an impossibly structured tulle tutu hold us back when it comes to simply having fun? The whole “classical ballet’ thing always struck me as a little bit of an illusion, and the beauty was just so…. structured. It was too perfect to seem real.

That’s why this is truly a glorious and welcome revolution in the world of ballet, and dare I say, a revolution for all women everywhere. We have earned our comfort, my darling. Don’t be afraid to ditch that old, scratchy uniform and embrace a new level of ease! This revolution is a true dance for joy!

But be warned, it’s not always pretty. Like anything revolutionarily great, you are going to have to deal with the side effects. Like… the little things. Like pink tulle being very difficult to keep clean in London’s air!

So, remember darlings, next time you watch a ballet performance, pay close attention, because things are about to get wild. And the revolution? It’s going to get a little bit messier… and a whole lot more fun.