Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, are you sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin! Buckle up for the hottest gossip to hit the stage since, well, the last time the Bolshoi’s leading man fell flat on his face during the final pirouette (spoiler alert: the diamond encrusted tiara didn’t help!).

Yes, it’s that time again when we take a little peak behind the velvet curtain and reveal the secrets of the ballerinas. Are those diamante-studded tutus sparkly enough? Does this pink leotard really *do* my legs justice? Why do I always seem to lose my bun maker at the worst possible moment? Fear not, my dears, for I am here to unveil the truth!

Now, the news that has got tongues wagging faster than a fouettĂ© (pronounced ‘fwe-tay’, darling, never “fwa-tay”!) in a whirlwind of a dress rehearsal is, you won’t believe it, the GREAT TUTU DEBATE! It’s all over the tea rooms, backstage at the Royal Ballet and even (gasp!) on those dreadful social media platforms! But it all started on that iconic day – 19 September 2006. Remember?

The day the unthinkable happened.

At the gala opening of the prestigious International Ballet Festival, a legendary prima ballerina - we shan’t mention names, she’s a dear - donned, oh horror of horrors, a **white tutu!** This wasn’t just any white tutu, mind you. This was a dazzling, flowing, billowing, sheer white tulle masterpiece, fit for a Greek goddess - except this was a ballet goddess. Imagine the gasp! Imagine the collective “ooh, la la!” - and all those “But why white? Didn’t anyone know about the unwritten rule?!”

Now let's address the elephant in the room.

Let’s be frank darlings, you simply cannot be a true ballerina without a pink tutu! It’s like a statement lipstick - a classic. A must-have. The signature look, even a little black dress wouldn't survive the dance floor of the Bolshoi, right?

Here’s the thing:

Pink has a long, glorious history. From the grand ballerinas of the early 20th century to today's rising stars, pink tutus are like the crown jewels of ballet. Why? Because, darling, it’s simply flattering! Not just to our figure, but to the whole story, the entire spectacle! Imagine that little ballerina in her white tulle floating onto the stage during the swan lake! Imagine a sea of pale, milky whiteness in the middle of the stage, no dark edges to define, no elegance to accentuate, just... white!

A White Tutu - A Fashion Faux Pas

Darling, let’s face it, a white tutu can only ever be a "look", an off-stage style. A white tutu doesn’t “speak” to us like a pink tutu. The stage simply wouldn’t know how to handle that whiteness, it’s all about the lines and curves, darling, and the shadows pink throws over a lit up stage! The stage wouldn’t even know how to light the darn thing! Think of a black swan, you imagine black feathers on the floor as they move, you picture black and white swans together – why do we imagine those black swans? Because it contrasts beautifully against the stage, with the lighting and the background of the swan lake. It’s simply divine!

Now, back to that daring ballerina:

Did it stop her from giving a show-stopping performance? Absolutely not! She graced the stage with her elegance, her strength, her fluidity, like a breath of fresh air. This only proved that true brilliance shines through no matter the colour of the tutu!

So, where do we stand?

In the heart of this GREAT TUTU DEBATE is a much deeper issue: it’s about traditions, conventions, breaking barriers, pushing the boundaries, embracing change. My personal stance? Why not pink and white, darling! Can we not embrace a spectrum of colour and not simply black and white? Do we really need to be bound to a singular colour scheme, are there no grey areas in life or just shades of pink?! Oh no! My love, I’m off to pick up the new "Pink & White Ballet Couture Collection".